Stages of breast cancer

Cancer diseases are a real epidemic of modernity. They are sick and the elderly, and children, and people in the prime of life. Women after menopause most often face this ailment. But do not think that this does not concern the young. Unfortunately, everyone can get sick, especially heredity and way of life.

In order to prevent a critical condition, when the medicine is already powerless, it is necessary to react to the first alarming signals of the body to them, and not postpone the visit to the doctor for later. In the medical environment, it is common to distinguish several stages of breast cancer.

The initial stage of breast cancer

Or zero. This is the very beginning of the disease and if it is found right now, then the predictions for recovery are the most favorable. To identify the disease, various diagnostic measures are carried out - ultrasound of the chest and thorax, mammography , magnetic resonance imaging , blood tests for hormones and biopsy.

On their basis, a conclusion is made about the stage of the disease and, accordingly, on the further treatment plan. This stage is characterized by a small neoplasm that has not yet come out of its location and has not affected surrounding tissues and lymph nodes.

Breast Cancer Stage 1

At this stage of the disease, the size of the tumor does not exceed the size of 2 cm and does not extend to the lymphatic system, but already grows into surrounding tissues. Treatment of such a tumor consists in its removal with subsequent chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as well as drug support.

Breast Cancer Stage 2

At this stage, the size of the neoplasm already exceeds 2 cm and the involvement of axillary lymph nodes begins. A timely operation to remove the diseased organ can save the patient's life. After the treatment, plastic is prescribed - restoration of the gland.

Stage 3 breast cancer

This degree of disease is characterized by large lesions, which include the lymphatic system and internal organs. Metastases can affect the liver, the brain, but are more often formed in bone tissue. For the treatment of the third stage, I use chemotherapy and surgery, which together give a good result. But the main key to recovery is positive motivation.

Breast Cancer Stage 4

This is the most difficult disease to treat, because many organs and systems in the body are affected by metastases. Violated blood clotting. Surgery is rare in reducing complications. Mainly supporting therapy is provided.

Whatever the degree of disease is diagnosed, you can not fold your hands, because the disease is more active in a person who does not see a way to recovery. For treatment, optimism and faith in the future are important.