How to restore the hormonal background?

Many women are aware of the fact that hormonal changes are the cause of a large number of diseases of the female body. Especially during pregnancy due to fluctuations in the level of hormones in the woman's blood there is a change in mood, the general condition worsens. And then the woman asks the question: "How to restore, bring the hormonal background back to normal?".

To begin with, it is necessary to establish the cause of these fluctuations or changes. It is rather difficult to do this, because there are more reasons for this: from the banal change in temperature, stress, to poorly selected contraceptive, hormonal drugs. Often, women take medication on the advice of friends or girlfriends who this drug has already helped. However, it must be borne in mind that each organism is individual, and in order to restore the hormonal background, a woman should get advice from specialist doctors.


Symptoms of changing the hormonal background are varied and numerous. The first manifestations of such changes may be irregular monthly, weakness, mood swings, diarrhea. Often, these disorders lead to changes in skin and hair, nails become thin and brittle. Often women noticed increased hair growth in intimate areas and on the limbs. These signs are manifestations of hormonal failure in the female body.

How to recover?

Women who are confronted with this problem are concerned about the same question: "Is it possible to restore the hormonal background and how long is it restored?"

In order to properly restore the hormonal background, a woman should contact the doctor for prescribing medications, such as Stella, Cyclodinone , Indole-3, and others. All these drugs should be taken in strict accordance with medical prescriptions, compliance with dosages, duration and frequency of admission. Independent use of hormonal drugs can only worsen the situation.

The use of folk remedies, in particular herbs, for restoring the hormonal background also gives good results. It is known that decoctions of carnation, wild yam, Abraham tree, milk thistle excellent cope with these disorders.

As already mentioned above, stress is an important factor in the violation of the hormonal background. In order to reduce his influence on the general condition of a woman, she must adhere to several rules that will help restore the hormonal background after childbirth.

The most important of them is observance of the regime of the day. In order to avoid the occurrence of fatigue, which is the cause of stress leading to hormonal disorders, a woman should sleep at least 8 hours a day. A good way to prevent the occurrence of this violation are walks in the fresh air, which will also be useful for the baby.

Also cope with the disturbances of the background help herbal tea, herbal preparations, which are widely represented in pharmacies. Proper use of them helps to avoid the occurrence of stressful conditions, which will eliminate the violation of the hormonal background.

Constant exercise is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of hormonal failures. A woman after childbirth should take the rule every day, in the morning, to perform a small exercise that will not only give strength to the next day, but also help to quickly restore the form.

Thus, physical exercises in combination with proper nutrition will avoid the occurrence of hormonal failure in women in the future.