Polyuria - causes, symptoms, treatment

In those cases when the volume of urine output reaches a value of 1800 ml per day and exceeds this figure, one speaks of such a violation as polyuria. Normally, within 24 hours, no more than 1-1.5 l of urine should be excreted from the body. Let's look at the disease in more detail and name the main causes, as well as the symptoms and principles of treating polyuria.

What causes the disease?

Having understood that this is polyuria, it is necessary to say that in women, in view of the peculiarities of the structure of their urinary system, the disease occurs more often.

Before you name the causes of polyuria, I would like to note that the presence of this phenomenon does not necessarily indicate a violation. It is worth considering that the volume of formed and released urine may increase some products, as well as diuretics. Therefore, before making any conclusions, the doctors specify the patient's given points, i.e. whether medicines were taken, and what was used on food the day before.

If we talk specifically about the causes of polyuria, and under what diseases it can be noted, then most often it is:

Also, the development of polyuria can provoke disorders that are not related to kidney damage. Among those are diabetes, thyroid disease, hypertension. However, with these diseases, there is often a temporary increase in the volume of excreted urine.

What are the symptoms of polyuria?

As can be seen from the definition of the disease, the main symptomatology of the disorder is an increase in the volume of daily diuresis. However, the number of urination does not always increase. As a rule, only in severe forms of violation there is an increase in acts of urination (with damage to the renal tubules).

When the disease occurs, the density of urine is decreased, which is confirmed by laboratory tests.

How is the treatment treated?

In the treatment of polyuria, various drugs can be used, the choice of which directly depends on the cause that caused the disease.

Most often prescribed thiazide diuretics - Cyclopentiazide, Navidrex, also for the purpose of replenishing calcium ions, sodium is prescribed intravenous injection of physiological solution, calcium preparations.