15 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together

Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on the taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products can not be combined in one meal. What kind of "not pairs", now we will understand.

Doctors and nutritionists say that you need not only to choose healthy foods for your diet, but also to combine them correctly. Otherwise, the benefits can be minimized and even make the products harmful. Many will be surprised that the food tandems loved by many are recognized as dangerous.

1. Cucumbers + tomatoes

Let's start right away with information that can not help but surprise, because a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers is included in the list of the most affordable, simple and delicious. The ban on such a tandem is quite simple explanation, because the cucumber is referred to as alkaline, and the tomatoes are referred to acidic foods. Their combination leads to the formation of salts. Is it familiar with the feeling of heaviness that occurs after eating a large portion of a salad?

2. Eggs + bacon

One of the most popular breakfasts in the world turns out to be harmful. Scientists believe that in such a combination too much animal protein, on the digestion of which requires a lot of energy, and the calorie content of such a dish is high. The best supplement to eggs is tomatoes.

3. Milk + Banana

Many like milkshakes, but in fact, such a tandem is considered one of the most difficult. The thing is that such a drink can cause bloating and the appearance of gravity. In addition, there may be problems with mental activity, so for schoolchildren and students smoothies only of these ingredients is not recommended.

4. Porridge + orange juice

Another popular option for breakfast is also not very useful. It's very simple: many people like this combination can provoke a heaviness in the stomach. This is due to the fact that the acids of citrus juice reduce the activity of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates, which is rich in porridge. Remember this process and do not combine cereals with other sour fruits and berries. Doctors recommend drinking juice one hour after a meal.

5. Cheese + meat

The combination of these products can be found in different dishes. Yes, it's delicious, but not useful. Doctors explain this by the fact that proteins of animal and vegetable origin are digested by gastric juice of varying concentration and acidity. Another argument in favor of stopping to combine cheese and meat, is due to the fact that the phosphorus, which is part of the cheese, reduces the rate of assimilation of zinc, which is in the meat.

6. Vegetables + lemon (vinegar)

Do you like to dress salads with lemon juice or vinegar? Then know that you are not receiving a lot of important vitamins. To assimilate many useful substances, fats are needed, so use vegetable oil as a dressing (preferably olive oil). If you do not like oils, then include in the recipes other foods rich in useful fats, for example, nuts or avocados.

7. Buckwheat + milk

One of the most favorite combinations since childhood. He was also included in the list of "banned", because the milk is not digested in the stomach, but in the small intestine and it gets into the stomach in the form of curds, which worsen the process of digestion buckwheat. In addition, milk, rich in calcium, halves the process of assimilating iron, which is in porridge.

8. Milk + cocoa

Many people know the taste of cocoa with milk from early childhood, and the following information will certainly become a real frustration. In the composition of cocoa is oxalic acid, which does not allow calcium to be absorbed in the body, and it also contributes to the formation of oxalate salts, and they are harmful to the kidneys in large amounts. It is clear that a cup of drink will not bring harm, but you should not abuse it. And more: use better skim milk.

9. Bran + milk

From such a tandem it is impossible to obtain the necessary calcium and magnesium contained in milk, since in the bran there is phytic acid, which binds these minerals. The solution is - pre-boil the bran, because thermal treatment helps to destroy phytic acid.

10. Kiwi + yogurt

Sour and bright fruit is often added to yogurt and is made from these products smoothies. If you love this tandem, then for you the bad news is that the enzymes that make up the kiwi accelerate the process of decomposition of milk proteins, making the drink bitter and less useful.

11. Paste + tomatoes

In the composition of pasta are starchy carbohydrates, which begin to be digested in the mouth under the influence of saliva. In the composition of tomatoes are acids, which inhibit this process. Even more exacerbates the situation of protein, which is in cheese - a popular additive to pasta. The optimal additional ingredients are non-acidic fresh or baked vegetables and leafy greens.

12. Beer + peanuts

Nuts are the most popular additive to a foam drink, but this tandem is harmful to both the figure and health. Peanut refers to high-calorie foods that provoke the process of gas formation and bloating. As for beer, this drink has a complex chemical composition, which can trigger the emergence of various reactions in the body, for example, fermentation processes.

13. Pizza + carbonated drinks

Here admit, how often did you make such an order in a cafe? And few people suspect that this combination requires the body a lot of strength for digestion. In addition, sugar, which is rich in carbonated drinks, reduces the activity of the stomach, so often this food leaves after itself not pleasure, but a sense of heaviness. Frequent use of such food can provoke the development of problems with the stomach.

14. Alcohol + Coca-Cola

In the composition of alcoholic cocktails such a tandem is used, for example, many people like to dilute cognac with a carbonated drink. Scientists argue that in such a cocktail will be combined opposite in effect drinks, because alcohol relaxes, and cola, on the contrary, excites. The brain will find it difficult to navigate with such an ambiguous effect. In addition, both drinks contribute to the removal of fluid from the body, so the feeling of dehydration will certainly be present.

15. White bread + preserves

This is the most favorite delicacy of people who grew up in Soviet times! But, according to doctors, such a delicacy is one of the most harmful. This is due to the presence of a double portion of fast carbohydrates, which increases the level of sugar in the blood. Another opinion "against" is that such a combination of products can cause the emergence of fermentation in the intestine, especially if you eat such a sweet sandwich on an empty stomach.