Carob - medicinal properties

The carob tree, which grows in the tropics, is considered to be an evergreen supplier of one of the most valuable and delicious foods for admirers of healthy food. Carob or syrup is obtained from dried and then chopped fruits, which look like ordinary beans. Locust bean products are used both in cooking and in pharmacy, but syrup is most popular as a food additive.

Therapeutic properties of carob

In many medicinal products, traditional pharmacy uses gum derived from the fruit of the tree - these are various cough syrups, and potions for enhancing immunity, as well as drugs that help with gastrointestinal disorders.

In those places where the supplier of a useful product grows, folk medicine, which applies the carob as an expectorant, diuretic, anthelmintic, antidiarrhoeic means, is also widespread. Local phytotherapeutists use for their recipes, not only fruits, but also the carob's bark, which has no less useful properties.

Carob syrup and its beneficial properties

  1. Carob is not a recycled product, for which it is immensely appreciated by fans of healthy nutrition, the merits of syrup can be attributed to the lack of various chemicals, dyes, thickeners.
  2. Because of its low calorie and taste, the product has won the love of people who are concerned about their health and refused to sweet. You can safely take it during diets and not be afraid of extra pounds.
  3. Syrup does not overload the heart, as it does not contain caffeine, and its stimulating effect is not so strong. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, he does not hurt.
  4. A saturated chemical composition allows the use of a carob in the treatment of teeth and gums.
  5. Antioxidants found in syrup prevent premature aging of the skin and have a general strengthening effect on the human body.
  6. Diseases of the respiratory tract and infection are amenable to therapy due to the presence of tannins, organic acids, vitamins and pectin in the product.


Syrup from carob is valued not only for its medicinal properties, but also for the absence of contraindications. The product does not contain allergens, which allows it to be taken to people with various skin diseases, frequent rashes. Of particular value is the absence of toxic and harmful substances in the syrup.

People who are trying to lose weight, in no case can not be replaced by carob meals, as this will upset the metabolic processes of the body and slow the metabolism. In all, a measure is needed, the abuse of syrup can lead to increased blood sugar.

Products from locust and their useful properties

Being a natural sweetener, the powder from the fruit of the tree is used for making candy and chocolate. The absence of cholesterol, phenylethylamine and oxalates in them allows adding dainties to the diet of people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia. And since sweets do not interfere with the absorption of calcium from food, they are willingly eaten and sick with kidney stone disease.

An alternative to coffee can be a beverage made from locust bean fruit, which has its own useful properties. The powder for its preparation does not contain caffeine, gluten and sugar, but in the composition there are dietary fibers and amino acids, which allows it to become a good substitute for an invigorating drink.

The curative properties of carob are not yet fully understood, and the supplier of a useful product has not yet been introduced into the State Pharmaceuticals of many countries, but this did not prevent the carob from finding its faithful admirers all over the world.