Hemlock - treatment

From viral and bacteriological attacks the body is protected by the immune system, which blocks and destroys pathogenic cells. Some studies show that stimulation of immunity also helps fight benign and malignant tumors. One of the most powerful natural remedies with such an action is hemlock - the treatment with drugs from this plant has long been practiced by well-known phytotherapeutists and is considered relatively safe.

Treatment of grass with a hemlock in folk medicine

The main chemical compounds in the leaves of the product in question are poisons (konin, propylpiperidine, pseudoconin). They produce antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, soothing, analgesic, wound-healing effect. Thanks to the listed properties, the plant is excellent for the following diseases:

But the described grass also has a powerful anti-tumor and immunostimulating effect, so many physicians-phytotherapeutists practice the treatment of hemlock lung, stomach, breast, prostate, kidney and liver, leukemia. Moreover, this plant is used for benign neoplasms of any localization and prevention of oncological diseases.

Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

There are 4 ways to make medicinal tincture.

Recipe for fresh leaves and shoots:

  1. Raw cut into scissors, fill them with glassware for a third.
  2. Pour the workpiece (up to the top) with domestic vodka or alcohol diluted with water. The strength of the liquid should be at least 40, but not more than 60 degrees.
  3. Seal the container, insist 2-3 weeks in the dark, periodically shake the solution thoroughly.
  4. Preserve the tincture in the refrigerator.

Recipe from dry twigs, roots, seeds, trunk:

  1. Grind 300 g of phytochemicals and pour it 3 liters of vodka.
  2. Insist in the refrigerator for at least 14 days.
  3. Stir the solution every day with a wooden spoon.

Recipe for inflorescences and fresh seeds:

  1. Glassware loosely filled with raw materials.
  2. Pour 70% alcohol.
  3. Insist 10 days in a dark place.

There are several methods of therapy with such drugs, but the most effective treatment of oncology with hepatitis by the Tishchenko method is recognized:

  1. Take tincture every day for 60 minutes before the start of the meal, once a day, diluting with water.
  2. The initial dosage of the drug - 1 drop, water - 100 ml.
  3. Starting with the second day of therapy, you should increase the amount of tincture taken by 1 drop. When this value reaches 40 drops, you must begin to lower the concentration of the solution, also 1 drop.
  4. The volume of water increases by 50 ml every 13 drops with increasing dosage, decreases by the same amount when it decreases.
  5. After 80 days, take a break for 8-12 months, repeat the course of treatment until complete recovery.

If the body is weakened, it is recommended to increase the dose to a value of 16-18 drops and take it as a maximum.

Contraindications in the treatment of oncology with hemlock

You can not use the remedies from the described plant during pregnancy, with individual intolerance of the constituents of the herb. Particular care should be given to people suffering from hypotension , since tinctures of hemlock can greatly reduce blood pressure.

It is important to remember that this healing plant is poisonous. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommended dosage of the drug and the timing of treatment, and when even mild symptoms of poisoning appear, stop taking the tincture immediately.