Peeling PRX-T33 - a new procedure that does not require rehabilitation

PRX-T33 peeling refers to procedures designed to eliminate imperfections and uneven skin - scars, wrinkles, creases, pigment spots, freckles and other defects that upset women. This procedure is considered safe and she has many admirers.

Peeling PRX-T33 - what is it?

Chemical peeling PRX-T33 refers to the middle peeling procedures, with its help you can remove chronic scars postacne , pigment spots . The preparation used for peeling PRX-T33 does not cause such a strong reddening and peeling as a solution that is used for surface peeling. Therefore, the recovery process after peeling PRX-T33 proceeds much faster. Another significant advantage of the procedure is that it does not enhance the photosensitivity of the skin, so it is not necessary to spend it in the cold season.

PRX-T33 - composition

PRX-T33-peeling, the manufacturer of which is the Italian pharmaceutical company WIQOmed, is an innovative product of the latest generation. The peculiarity of PRX-T33 is that it acts on the middle layers of the epidermis, so there is no strong skin damage after the procedure. The composition of the drug includes three components:

  1. 33% trichloroacetic acid. Thanks to this substance, peeling PRX-T33 removes inflammation, clears comedones from sebum, destroys acne causing bacteria, stimulates the growth of fibroblasts (cells of connective tissue) and improves the regenerative properties of the skin.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. This component acts as an antiseptic, cleans and whitens the skin, and also saturates it with oxygen and improves the sensitivity of skin receptors.
  3. Kojic acid. With the help of this component, hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots) is eliminated by reducing or stopping the formation of melanin when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

PRX-T33 - readings

The PRX-T33 procedure makes the skin smooth, radiant, elastic and younger - the effectiveness of the drug is due to an extremely successful combination of its three components. PRX-T33-therapy is indicated for:

Peeling PRX-T33 - contraindications

Even with minimal trauma procedures, Italian peeling PRX-T33 has a list of contraindications. To warn the cosmetician follows in those cases if other serious cosmetic procedure was recently spent or any medicines are accepted. Refuse this method of rejuvenation should be when:

How to do peeling PRX-T33?

For maximum skin safety, peeling PRX-T33 is performed in a cosmetic salon. Only a competent cosmetologist can correctly apply the drug (33% concentration can cause a burn), determine the appropriate amount of the product, see possible problems and, if necessary, provide emergency assistance.

Peeling PRX-T33 - instructions and protocol of the procedure:

  1. Cleansing the skin of cosmetics and contaminants, disinfection with alcohol.
  2. Application of the PRX-T33 solution. The specialist cosmetologist applies the device with massage movements in several layers (up to 4-5).
  3. Removing the soaked product with distilled water.
  4. Application of a fat cream for nutrition and moisturizing.

The PRX-T33 peeling procedure is accompanied by a slight burning, but the duration of unpleasant sensations is small - until the solution is removed, plus 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, there may be a slight reddening of the skin, which takes about half an hour. The next peeling can be done in a week, so as not to injure the skin unnecessarily. And for maximum effect can be achieved in just 4-6 procedures.

Skin care after peeling PRX-T33

After the PRX-T33 peeling course, a special approach to skin care is required, otherwise the consequences can be unpleasant (skin drying, trauma, burn).

Peeling PRX-T33 - leaving after the procedure:

  1. Be sure to exclude aggressive care products - scrubs and other cosmetics with abrasive particles, lotions and tonics containing alcohol.
  2. Refuse should be from sponges and sponges for the face. To wash it is necessary soft means without soap.
  3. Do not immediately after the procedure to visit the sauna or bath, expose the skin to direct sunlight.
  4. Daily it is necessary to use nutritious and moisturizing creams that will nourish the skin with useful substances and moisture, promote the growth of a new layer of skin, protect the epidermis from drying and peeling.

Peeling PRX-T33 - effect

Mid-face peeling PRX-T33 gives a quick and lasting effect. Many patients note that the skin after the course of procedures looks younger, fresh, even, for a long time pigmented spots disappear. Great effect, very short recovery period - these are significant advantages of the PRX-T33 peeling procedure, photos before and after the course of this revolutionary remedy indicate that rave reviews do not exaggerate the efficacy of the drug.

Peeling PRX-T33 - Pros and Cons

Innovative procedure PRX-T33-peeling - a new word in cosmetology. To solve a dilemma - for or against - the list of advantages of procedure will help:

  1. PRX-T33-peeling can be carried out in spring and summer, without expecting a decrease in activity of the sun.
  2. Excellent results and rejuvenation are achieved without the use of injections, the implantation of various threads and cuts.
  3. The procedure is practically painless, only a brief burning sensation is present.
  4. The procedure does not take much time - up to half an hour.
  5. You do not need to be isolated from the environment for rehabilitation and recovery.