Toilet partitions

Toilet, or plumbing partitions - this is a very good tool for the correct organization of space in household bathrooms. In small apartments, the bathroom is also not large, so it is often not possible to separate the toilet from the bathtub completely. But it is not necessary to put a toilet, it is sometimes much easier and more appropriate to turn to such a solution as a partition to the toilet .

Optimization of the space of the bathroom with a special partition

A common bathroom, in which there is a bathroom and a toilet in one room, can be originally designed by the house, or specially redesigned by the owners to organize the functionality of the space. In any case, in such circumstances, the best solution is to try to separate the toilet area from the bath zone. For this purpose, the partition between the bathroom and the toilet is best. This can be just an element of separation of the room, and maybe a full-fledged separate cabin. If the choice fell on the latter option, it is usually a modular design based on an aluminum profile that has a protective coating. As such a coating, powder coating or anodizing is used.

As for the size of the partitions for toilet cabins, they are usually standard. Their height is 2 meters, and the width varies from 600 to 700 millimeters.

Materials from which partitions for toilet booths are made

The most common materials for these products - glass, plastic and laminated chipboard. Do not forget that at home, the appearance of the room is very important. Therefore, often used partitions for bathrooms, which mimic the toilet, it is from tempered glass. This element in the bathroom can perfectly fit into the most diverse interior. Glass can be a matte or glossy texture, often use darkened glass. You can also install a glass partition with a pattern that can give the bathroom a unique look.

Toilet partitions made of chipboard or plastic are very simple to operate and relatively inexpensive will cost. If we talk about glass partitions, they are undoubtedly more expensive and more whimsical in their care, but they look much more effective. The choice of the necessary partition depends solely on the needs of the consumer and his capabilities.