Professional burnout

Working with people is both pleasant and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, a person needs to exchange information, emotions, thoughts. But on the other hand, sometimes, from communication, a person can seriously get tired. In the latter case, such fatigue can become chronic, which is the beginning of professional burnout.

Doctor, what's wrong with me? ..

So, now turn to yourself, feel your breath, emotions, mood ... Run through the points listed below, and mentally put a tick where you think reflects the essence of your current state:

These are the main signs of professional burnout. In case of observation of similar symptoms it is better to seek help from a psychologist, because it is impossible to get rid of the burnout syndrome independently. Yes, as an option, you can take a vacation urgently, and spend two weeks "by the sea, by the blue sea." The sun, according to psychologists, helps to deal with stress and fatigue. But if there is no such possibility, and you are compelled to continue to continue working, leaving the venture with the dismissal, then, please, to a comrade specialist. You will need from three to seven sessions, which consist of special training and exercises, and there - goodbye fatigue!

Better prevent than cure

The frequent reasons for professional burnout at work are excessive emotionality, initiative and a prolonged absence of leave. It is necessary to know how to deal with professional burnout, and even better how to avoid it. Let's start in order.

  1. While communicating with people at work, try to exercise restraint and protect your "emotional reserve". Especially we are subject to emotional devastation showing negative emotions, for example, discussing gossips and intrigues in the team, or a specific unpleasant person. Before you do this, think about whether this is so important and whether it is worth it to waste time and energy.
  2. Excessive initiative in the work does not promise you anything good, in terms of physical health. Do not take on yourself, in addition to your own work, also someone else's, believing that only you can make it qualitatively. In the end, learn to delegate and you will see that you have an extra minute to drink coffee and look through your favorite magazine.
  3. And, finally, about the vacation. You need to rest, and you need to do it right. For two days off you will not get rid of fatigue and irritation. Your rest should be for ten days, at least, and it should be quality. Think about how long you took a full vacation and went somewhere, where you are very well, and with someone who is very dear to you? Probably, your time has come and it's time to change the situation.

Compliance with all of the above will be an effective prevention of professional burnout.

Your knowledge, experience and skills should be fully appreciated. Dissatisfaction with your work, wages and lack of career growth, will inevitably lead you to emotional burnout at work. You will experience constant discontent and resentment, constant stress. In this case, you'd better change jobs, because you need to respect yourself and know your own worth.