Estrogens in herbs

Estrogens of plant origin are substances that have the same effect as female sex hormones and are similar to them in terms of chemical composition. Vegetable estrogens are not synthesized in the female body, but fall into it together with plant food, mainly herbs. Sometimes such estrogens are called "dietary". By their action they are much weaker than synthetic and natural, contained in the body of a woman.

There is a theory that estrogens contained in herbs are a certain part of the natural defense against excessive reproduction of animals in nature. In addition, they protect the plant itself from the effects of harmful mushrooms on it.

What herbs contain estrogen?

In total, about 300 herbs belonging to 16 different families are known, which contain estrogens in their composition. They contain about 20 different estrogens.

The most studied groups of vegetable estrogens are lignans and isoflavones. The first are the product formed as a result of processing by intestinal bacteria of flax seeds, whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables. Representatives of the lignan group are enterodiol and enterolactone. The second group, isoflavones, whose representatives are genistein, are found in beans and soy.

Often, women who have encountered gynecological problems, resort to the use of herbs that increase the content of estrogen in the blood.

  1. So, red clover refers to those herbs that contain estradiol in their composition. That is why a decoction of this herb is very often taken in case of menstrual irregularities, as well as as a means to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
  2. The composition of the herb of alfalfa includes progesterone, the increased content of which in the body can lead to a violation of reproductive function. Scientists have noticed for a long time that herbivores, in the feed of which contains alfalfa, have reproductive problems, which again confirms the presence of estrogens, as well as other hormones, in particular progesterone.
  3. It is established that the flax seed contains in its composition estrogens, which have a protective function, which prevents the development of breast cancer.
  4. Hops also contain a large amount of estrogens, which confirms the fact that women involved in the collection of this plant, often noted violations of the menstrual cycle.