Inspection in gynecology

Gynecologic examination is of great importance in the prevention of many diseases of the female sexual sphere. That's why every woman of the fair sex, regardless of age, should regularly (at least once every 6 months), even if she does not bother, undergo this procedure (either in a women's consultation or in any medical center where there is a specialist in this profile ).

The examination in gynecology begins with a survey of a woman, then it is examined. Based on the data obtained, a plan for further examination of the patient is made, if necessary.

Preliminary conversation (survey)

Before going to the medical examination, the gynecologist should ask a woman a number of questions. First he finds out the date of the last menstruation, the duration and nature of the cycle, the age of the onset of menstruation, what kind of infectious and gynecological diseases the woman has experienced, whether she lives sexually, whether she is protected, how many pregnancies, childbirth and abortions she had.

In addition, the doctor finds out whether the woman and her relatives have mental, endocrine, cardiovascular disorders, where she works, what is the composition of the family. Answers to these and other questions help the gynecologist in the formulation of the correct diagnosis.

Gynecological examination

Examination in gynecology is carried out on a special chair in a horizontal position with the use of sterile instruments. First, the doctor examines the external genitalia, then the examination is carried out "in the mirrors", then the doctor probes the uterus and appendages (that is, the fallopian tubes with the ovaries).

Examination "in the mirrors" involves the introduction into the vagina of a disposable plastic instrument (the so-called "mirror"), through which the walls of the vagina move apart and become available for inspection.

This type of examination is not carried out in girls who have never had sexual intercourse (virgins), in the absence of signs of gynecological diseases.

During such an examination, it is better for a woman not to strain and breathe deeply and smoothly, so as not to interfere with the gynecologist to do her job.

When viewed "in the mirror" the doctor can take vaginal discharge, discharge from the urethra and cervix for analysis. It can also be taken scraping the cervical canal for further cytological examination.

After completing the instrumental examination, the gynecologist conducts a bimanual palpation of the uterus with appendages, that is, probing the uterus, its neck, ovaries and fallopian tubes with both hands. In this case, the middle and index fingers of one hand are inserted by the doctor into the vagina, and the other hand is placed above the woman's pubic area. Fingers touch the neck, and the hand located on the abdomen, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes and the body of the uterus.

Preparation for gynecological examination

If a woman is going to a gynecologist, then she needs to prepare in a certain way for this visit:

  1. For one or two days you need to give up sexual intercourse.
  2. Seven days before a doctor visits, you must stop using any vaginal suppositories , sprays or tablets.
  3. The last two or three days do not need to douche and use special means for hygiene of intimate places.
  4. To wash it is necessary in the evening, on the eve of inspection; In the morning of the same day, this is not necessary.
  5. Within 2-3 hours before the examination, you do not need to urinate.

After the inspection

After passing a gynecological examination a woman may have mild pink spotting for several hours; Also, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are possible. This is a normal situation.

If, after a few days after the instrumental examination, the discharge continues, becomes abundant and bloody, severe pain occurs, the temperature rises, then it is necessary to consult a doctor without fail.