How to get rid of ingrown hair?

Any methods of depilation or hair removal lead to ingrown hairs. This causes a lot of inconveniences, both aesthetic and physical, and can also cause a number of complications. There are several ways how to get rid of ingrown hairs and prevent the appearance of skin irritation, its infection, the development of inflammatory processes.

How to deal with ingrown hair?

This problem arises because the epidermis over the germination zone coarsens and does not peel off. As a result, the sebaceous duct is clogged together with the follicle, and the growth of the hair occurs under the skin.

To avoid this situation, dermatologists and beauticians recommend adhering to such rules:

  1. Before the procedure for removing unwanted hair, any of the techniques must be thoroughly ripped out.
  2. Use a special scrub with coarsely dispersed particles a few days before hair removal or depilation, instead of it you can apply a hard wool, for example, from agave.
  3. If you prefer shaving, it is important to apply the appropriate cosmetic products (gel, foam) to the skin.
  4. After hair removal, lubricate the skin with nourishing and moisturizing creams, milk, lotion.
  5. Carry out peeling at least 2 times a week.

The above tips will help prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs after shugaring, shaving, using epilators and wax. It is also important to remember the daily moistening of the skin, so that the epidermis does not coarsen, and the cells are updated faster.

How to remove ingrown hairs?

If you failed to warn the described defect, you can try to get rid of the problem yourself or contact the master.

In the salons against ingrown hair 4 methods are used:

At home, coffee scrubbing is good. It is enough to mix a small amount of natural ground raw material with honey and make a neat massage with problem areas. In just 2-3 the procedure of the skin condition will greatly improve.

Salicylic acid from ingrown hair produces a peeling effect. Cosmetologists recommend applying alcohol solution to the affected areas, leaving for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize the skin, since the product can overdo it and aggravate the problem.

According to the reviews of women, a mixture of powder of badyaga is very effective. It must be diluted with water and applied to the areas with ingrowth. After 5 minutes you can wash off the mask. When using, caution should be exercised, because the badyaga is a rather aggressive substance.