How to spray fruit trees in the fall?

For successful wintering of fruit trees, they need to be treated from the autumn from diseases and pests . Autumn spraying of trees is an important part of their preparation for the coming winter. What, how and when - in our article.

Timing of spraying fruit trees

Autumn spraying should be performed immediately before the onset of winter, when all the leaves have already fallen. Earlier treatment can lead to negative consequences, such as burns of leaves and untimely dropping of leaves.

This will not only not bring a positive result, but also lead to a weakening of the garden, which did not have time to get all the nutrients and properly prepare for the winter.

Start spraying in November, when there is no danger of damaging the leaves with chemical preparations. Before processing, old trees need to remove lichens and the old bark with a metal brush.

Spraying of trees in autumn from pests and diseases

For the treatment of the orchard there are several types of drugs. Most often, gardeners use for this purpose copper and iron vitriol, Bordeaux liquid, urea and diesel fuel.

The action of each drug is aimed at solving a certain problem, so it is necessary to choose what to spray fruit trees in autumn in accordance with the needs of the garden.

Let's consider the basic variants of spraying and the direction of this or that drug:

  1. Sprinkling of fruit trees in autumn Bordeaux liquid . This will save the trees from fungal diseases such as scab, spotting, moniliasis, cladosporyosis and so on. Processing is necessary after the fall of leaves. For spraying, use a 3% liquid. Prepare the solution in a plastic or enameled bucket (but not galvanized and metallic, so that the solution does not react)
  2. Sprinkling of fruit trees in autumn with copper sulfate . In late October, you can treat pears, plums and apple trees with a solution of copper sulfate. Plums treated with this solution become protected from such diseases as moniliosis, curly, klyasterosporoz and coccomicosis. For apple and pear trees spraying with copper sulfate in the autumn is the prevention and treatment of scab, phyllosticosis, curlew, moniliosis. For young seedlings, 2 liters of solution per 1 seedling are sufficient, and an adult fruit tree will need up to 10 liters.
  3. Sprinkling of fruit trees in autumn with iron sulfate . Produced in late autumn, when the garden is already preparing for wintering. Treatment with this drug has a dual purpose: firstly, the garden receives the iron needed for breathing, and secondly, iron is a preventative against various pests. Particularly in need of iron vitriol, apple orchards, as well as pears and plums. The lack of this metal is manifested in them in the form of low yield and incomplete development of the fruit. With the help of iron sulfate, you can also fight with diseases such as lichen, moss, scab, black cancer, cytosporosis, septospore. As a result, next year the branches of trees will grow faster, and the yield of the plant will increase.
  4. Sprinkling of fruit trees in autumn with urea (carbamide). Excellent as the last preparation of trees for wintering. Autumn processing with carbamide can be made when half of the leaves fall from the trees. The concentration of the solution in this case should be 5%. With complete loss of leaves, the concentration can be increased to 7-10%.
  5. Processing of fruit trees with diesel fuel . This oil is used for autumn processing of the garden to prevent decay of trees - apple trees and plums. Solar oil is used not in pure form, but after considerable dilution with water.