Reproduction of juniper by cuttings

There are two ways of reproduction of juniper - seeds and cuttings. Decorative varieties propagated by seeds are undesirable, since in most cases they lose their mother signs. So it is more preferable to propagate juniper with cuttings.

Reproduction of juniper by cuttings at home

If you do not want to buy ready-made seedlings, for fear of getting the wrong sort or simply do not want to spend money, you can ask your neighbor in the area to share with you a few twigs. Then you will know for sure that you will grow, and significantly save your budget.

Reproduction of juniper by cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year, but a more favorable time is summer and autumn.

It all begins with the preparation of cuttings. To do this, you need to separate the cuttings from the mother plant 10-15 cm long. They simply need to be torn together with a piece of wood, the so-called heel on the tip. Remove the trunk of the cuttings from the needles and a couple of centimeters from the edge and place them on the day in a solution of Kornevin or any other growth stimulant.

Reproduction of juniper with cuttings in a jar with water is inexpedient, since the tender bark of this plant can exfoliate from moisture and, as a result, the productivity of blanks will decrease. We do not need this at all, and we will immediately root the plant in pots or boxes of sand. Must be dishes with drainage holes.

We will need clean river sand without any additives. The only thing - it must be decontaminated in boiling water. Cooled sand is placed in a container and treated with a 3% solution of manganese. Now pests and bacteria are not terrible for us.

We deepen our cuttings by 1 cm, squeeze, compact the sand around them. We remove the boxes in the shade and provide them a temperature of + 17-23 ° C. In the summer-autumn period, this it will not be difficult, because you do not need to build a greenhouse. It's enough just to cover the boxes with gauze.

One of the secrets, it can be said, is the main thing in the reproduction of juniper, is compliance with the temperature regime and humidity. Then the rooting will be much more successful and faster.

The first time, about 2 months, you need to spray the cuttings every day with water sprayer, while trying not to overhydrate the sand.

When the cuttings appear roots, you can plant them in the open ground or in the pots a little more to grow.