The mysterious brunette charmed Keanu Reeves

51-year-old actor Keanu Reeves for 2 years skillfully concealed the details of his personal life from the eyes of journalists and paparazzi. Perhaps the press could not find a loophole for the article, or maybe he did not have any intimate ties with the female sex. And now the magic is destroyed, the actor was seen in embraces with an unfamiliar brunette.

True, the appearance of "Lovelace" did not have a romantic date. Keanu was dressed just like a bum. Spectators are used to seeing Rivas as a well-groomed man from the screens, but here he is shocked by dirty clothes, disheveled hair and a terrible beard.

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The famous actor is an avid bachelor?

The famous actor is an avid bachelor, he was never married, he also did not have children. In 1999, in the life of Keanu, a tragedy occurred. He met with the movie actress Jennifer Syme, and the couple was expecting the birth of a small miracle, but the girl was born dead. After some time, the former beloved Reeves died in a car accident, and the actor became depressed.

After that, there were rumors about the love relationship of the star with Sandra Balok, later with Anna Skidanova, but the novels did not continue.

The shocking look of a Hollywood star

Finally, the press again had the opportunity to "gossip". The actor and his new girlfriend were spotted in the area of ​​the Chateau Marmont restaurant, which is located in West Hollywood. It turned out even to make a piquant photo. Now the fans are, to put it mildly, in shock from what they saw. It turns out that the actor is a guest of this restaurant, and, probably, that's why the guard missed the star even in such an untidy kind. The couple dined and went to an unknown destination.

It seems that Reeves is not particularly concerned about his status, because photographers have already caught him sitting on a bench with a sandwich in his hand, or in a subway with a newspaper. What happens to a man is unknown.