TOP-10 most useful products for pregnant women

Pregnancy and food are a separate topic for conversation. Everyone knows that during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, the tastes of expectant mothers are distorted, and they begin to "drag on" to the most unimaginable products and combinations. Cases of eating lime, herring with condensed milk, holding in your mouth nails and other gastronomic "joys" have a history in almost every mother.

But, in addition to jokes, nutrition during pregnancy is an extremely important aspect, because now it is important not only to satisfy your tastes and preferences, but also to provide your future baby with everything necessary for the full bookmarking and formation of all body systems. It is important to control not only what you eat, but also how you do it.

Principles of Nutrition During Pregnancy

  1. Little by little, but often . You should review the diet. It is absolutely unacceptable to eat the way most working people are used: breakfast consisting of coffee, lunch in a hurry and a heavy heavy dinner after a tiring day. Henceforth, it is important to eat a variety of foods, fully and at least 5 times a day, if possible, excluding snacks and other "thrash food".
  2. We appeal to the raw food industry . Not literally, of course. But nevertheless special emphasis should be placed on raw vegetables and fresh fruits, because heat treatment "kills" most of the nutrients.
  3. Ways of preparation. Remember that boiled, baked and cooked for a couple is much more useful than fried in oil.
  4. Sauces and condiments . Do not overuse - this is the direct path to heartburn , which will not be long in coming. And industrial sauces, ketchups and mayonnaise are in principle not the best food because of the high content of dyes, preservatives and other additives.

So, with how it is necessary and how not to eat, and also what is better to avoid at all, sorted out. And on what is better to make an emphasis in order to baby in the tummy was the most delicious and useful?

TOP-10 most necessary and useful products for pregnant women

  1. Yoghurt . It contains more calcium - the "building material" for teeth and bones than in milk, and the "bonus" are useful lactic bacterial cultures, irreplaceable for the intestines. But this applies mainly to homemade, fresh yogurt. In industrial analogues, unfortunately, from "living cultures" is often only a name.
  2. The liver . An irreplaceable source of vitamin B, protein and iron, which is important not only for the baby, but for the mother. The fact that in pregnant women often "falls" hemoglobin, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  3. Fish , better sea and not greasy varieties. An irreplaceable source of phosphorus and vitamin D, which are responsible for the formation of the nervous system of the baby. t
  4. Carrots . A deposit of beta-carotene and vitamin A. The latter should be more careful, since in large numbers it can damage a child. Eat a healthy vegetable in combination with vegetable fats, for example, yoghurt or sour cream - then vitamins will be better absorbed.
  5. Oatmeal . Perhaps, the most useful of porridges. It has a high fiber content and a beneficial effect on the digestion of a future mother, which is very important.
  6. Nuts . Contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for the brain and the nervous system as a whole. However, they should not be abused here - they can cause allergic reactions.
  7. Mango . Despite its exoticism, it has quite taken root in a diet of many inhabitants of an average strip. Contains the necessary for the cardiovascular system potassium, as well as a lot of vitamin A and C.
  8. Lentils . A good source of vegetable protein, from other legumes, differs in that it is easily digested and does not "clog up" the intestine.
  9. Sprouted grains . At the moment of germination in cereals, the supply of vitamins and enzymes is maximized.
  10. Eggs . Delicious, versatile and useful high in protein and omega-acids.