White spots on the hands

Most of us pay no less attention to the skin of our hands than our facial skin. And this is right, because beautiful and well-groomed hands are the visiting card of any woman, by which one can judge many of her qualities. Therefore, if suddenly you find that you have white spots on your hands, this can not but cause concern and distress. Why can there be white spots on the skin of the hands, and what should I do in this case, consider later.

The causes of the appearance of white spots on the hands

A white spot on the hand is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a possible symptom of some diseases. Even if such spots, except for their appearance, do not cause any discomfort (they do not itch, do not flake, etc.), it is still very important to find out the reason for their appearance as soon as possible. For this purpose it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

White spots on the hands can be localized on the fingers, hands, palms, in the joint area, etc. and may be accompanied by the appearance of such spots on other parts of the body. It can be large or small spots on the hands, multiple or single, have clear or blurred outlines.

Consider the most likely causes of the appearance of white spots on the hands:

Diseases in which there are white spots on the hands

Let us briefly describe some diseases that are manifested by white spots on the skin of the hands.


This skin disease, in which the pigment melanin disappears in some parts of the skin. The causes of this pathology can be:

Also, hereditary nature of vitiligo is not excluded.

With vitiligo on any part of the skin (but more often - on the hands and elbows) there are spots of white, having a different size and shape. Gradually these spots merge, forming extensive depigmented zones. Some spots may spontaneously disappear. No other complaints are noted.

White lichen

The causes of this disease are still unknown, but many versions are being put forward regarding its etiology. For today, the priority is the version that the cause of white lichen is a special fungus, which produces in the human skin substances that block access to ultraviolet rays.

White spots in this disease can appear not only on the hands (more often - the lateral surfaces of the hands), but also on the face, legs. The size of the spots is from 1 to 4 cm, they can peel off, and in winter - inflame.


This is a pathology in which a skin pigmentation disorder occurs. Leukoderma can develop due to various skin lesions, exposure to certain chemicals. It can also be one of the symptoms of the underlying disease (eg, secondary syphilis ).

With leukoderma, there are multiple white spots that have rounded outlines with a zone of hyperpigmentation around, can be of different magnitude. These spots are located close to each other, they can be localized on the extensor surfaces of the hands, forearms, as well as the neck, back, abdomen.

White spots on the hands - treatment

With this problem, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. In addition to a thorough dermatological examination of the skin, an in-depth examination of the entire body may be required. Based on the findings, a diagnosis will be made and appropriate treatment will be prescribed.