Diet with a sick stomach

Dieting with a sick stomach and intestines involves removing the severity of the symptoms and preventing complications in this disease, which can often be caused by excessive nervous tension, violent mental upheavals, and regular eating disorders.

Principles of diet

Diet with a sick stomach means daily intake of carbohydrates (400-450 grams), proteins (100 grams) and fats (100-110 grams). It is also very important to try to provide the body with the necessary volume of minerals and vitamins. The food should be fractional - at least 5-6 times a day. At night, you should stop eating, limiting, if necessary, only 200 milliliters of milk. In addition, it is important to give preference to mashed foods and limit the intake of salt (no more than 12 grams per day).

Nutrition in case of stomach disease

Diet for people with a sick stomach involves eating dairy products, dried wheat bread (not more than 400 grams per day), vegetable soups, eggs, lean meat, poultry, fish of low-fat varieties, vegetables (except cabbage), cereals and pasta, creamy and vegetable oils, sweet berries and fruits. Drink permitted decoction of wild rose and non-acidic juices.

The diet in case of stomach disease prohibits the use of strong meat and vegetable broths, fatty meat and fish varieties, any refractory fats, fried foods, spicy, smoked and salty foods, canned food, dough and black bread, ice cream , cold carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

Approximate diet menu with a sick stomach:

  1. Breakfast - omelet, steamed and a cup of tea with milk.
  2. Lunch - a portion of oat soup on milk, 2 steam meatballs and 150 grams of mashed potatoes.
  3. Dinner - a slice of boiled fish with mashed potatoes. At night - 1 glass of milk.

Nutrition for stomach and bowel disease must be agreed with the attending physician - this will avoid the appearance of even greater health problems.