Schizoid personality type

People with a schizoid type of character are significantly different from others. You can trace the general characteristics that are inherent in this type of personality. For example, gait or manner of clothing. A special feature is also closedness and dispassion. About this and another we'll talk in more detail.

Symptoms of the schizoid type of personality

  1. Personality disorder according to the schizoid type can be noticed since childhood. The schizoids like to spend their time in silence and seclusion. Communication with their peers is of little interest. They attach great importance to their inner reality, they can fantasize and live in the world of their ideas for a long time.
  2. Are indifferent to pleasures, emotionally cold. But at heart they are very sensitive, vulnerable and impressionable. In professional activity, people of the schizoid type are tactful, unobtrusive and responsible. The circle of friends is changing very rarely. As a rule, such people maintain communication with certain people all their life.
  3. Absolutely devoid of intuition. They do not feel interlocutor, someone else's mood and do not understand how others treat them. It seems that they do not care, but it's not entirely true. Just a schizoid personality type is too fixated on their own experiences and sensations. The schizoids attach great importance to small things, but seemingly obvious facts are not noticed at point-blank range.
  4. Despite apparent detachment, schizoids crave intimacy. But since they are not always understood correctly, they are closed. They often behave rather tactlessly, because they do not accept the opinions of others. Selfishness manifests itself on an ongoing basis.
  5. They consider themselves to be unique, incomprehensible geniuses and incomprehensible sages. The hobbies of schizoids are very unusual. They are concerned with the problems of philosophy, science and art. If a child begins to be interested in complicated philosophical problems early, it can serve as a signal for the formation of schizoid psychopathy.
  6. They do not know how to speak beautifully. Often the schizoid type has a monotonous and inexpressive voice, pauses and gets confused in words. In society, it has a passive role. He absolutely does not care about someone else's opinion, so it's very difficult to offend a schizoid. Sometimes he himself can inadvertently offend the interlocutor, defending his point of view.
  7. They do not care about their own appearance. They can walk in dirty and torn clothes, do not wash their hair for a long time, do not shave, do not take a shower. This careless attitude appears due to attention to other things more important for schizoid things. They are not very worried about external reality and everything material.

Treatment of schizoid type of personality

Unfortunately, drug therapy is powerless here. The drugs show a very small result. Being socially isolated, the schizoid-hysteroid personality type begins treatment in connection with the emerging disorder, for example, alcoholism. Often he does not trust doctors, so treatment is ineffective. The general therapy includes a program for the emergence of positive emotions . For example, a patient must remember and describe any positive events happening in his life or just to reflect on the list of pleasant emotions. Many therapists give their patients homework, where they have to play a role in society. Group therapy is helpful, but most schizoids do not like to take part in any social activity.

Practically all schizoids do not consider it necessary to write to psychologists, nevertheless, they suffer from their own thoughts and fictitious experiences. If a person realizes his own personality disorder, sooner or later he will be able to cope with it and learn how to control himself.