Contour plastic nasolabial folds

Contour plastic effectively removes wrinkles without surgery. This method allows you to change the shape of the lips, form a clear oval face. Contour plastic of nasolabial folds is used for their correction and consists in the subcutaneous injection of special preparations that retain elasticity and maintain the optimum moisture level.

How is injection contour plastic?

The process involves the introduction of special gels, called fillers. Most often, it uses hyaluronic acid, which is available in the human body, which becomes less and less time-consuming. As a result, the skin begins to lose moisture and natural elasticity.

Nasolabial folds do not last more than an hour. To get rid of fine wrinkles, the gel is injected into the upper layers, while its density should be minimal. To eliminate deep wrinkles, use preparations of higher density and inject them into the deeper layers. The introduction of the gel is carried out by a thin needle with a series of injections strictly under the fold. Typically, anesthesia with a small amount of filler is not required. For such cases, painkillers and injections are used.

Preparations for contour plastics

All the means used for this procedure can be divided into three groups:

  1. Biodegradable (absorbable), which includes hyaluronic acid , lactic acid and collagen.
  2. Non - degradable - synthetic polymers.
  3. Autologous - own fatty tissues. They are removed from the body and then injected into a wrinkle or crease.

The most widely used drugs produced on the basis of hyaluronic acid: Surgiderm, Yuviderm, Restylane. Due to the fact that this component is a natural element of the skin, it does not interfere with the nutrition of its cells and the intake of necessary vitamins. Since it is a decomposing substance, it dissolves over time.

Injections of hyaluronic acid are absolutely hypoallergenic, and they can be used for various types of skin . The effect after plastic is long, but not eternal, which allows you to correct an unsuccessful operation using other drugs.

Complications of contour plasty

The recovery period may be accompanied by the occurrence of such side effects:

  1. Edema and redness are observed for two days. If they last much longer, then this may indicate an infection.
  2. The temporary side effect is bruises after contour plasty. This may be due to problems with vascular permeability or the process of blood clotting. It is important to use special resorbants to prevent compaction with hematomas.

Experts can not say exactly how the drug will manifest itself in twenty years. This is especially true for new little-studied means. Therefore, most doctors switched to the use of decomposable drugs.

Contour plastic nasolabial folds, during which were admitted mistakes on the part of a specialist, can cause such complications:

Contour plastic - contraindications

Another advantage of the procedure is the absence of absolute contraindications. But it should not be done: