Bullous dermatitis

Bullous dermatitis is called dermatological disease, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of rashes in the form of bubbles filled with liquid. It looks rather unpleasant. In addition, if the resulting bubbles rupture, they may get an infection, which will lead to undesirable complications.

Causes and symptoms of bullous dermatitis

Most often, rashes appear as a result of exposure to the skin of various aggressive factors. Although doctors sometimes have to deal with such cases, when dermatitis develops due to genetic abnormalities, metabolic disorders or against a background of certain diseases:

  1. Sun Bullous Dermatitis may appear several hours after prolonged skin contact with ultraviolet rays. The epidermis first blushes, and then it forms bubbles of different sizes, which are usually badly itchy and sore.
  2. With allergic bullous dermatitis, blisters are very small. But they are always accompanied by severe itching and redness of the skin.
  3. Because of burns and frostbite , bulbs of huge sizes can be formed. Their surface is smooth or rough. And inside the blisters are filled with a turbid serous fluid, sometimes with bloody veins. In the healing process, crusts form on the surface of the skin.
  4. Herpetiform bullous dermatitis is rare. It develops because of intolerance to gluten. The disease is named so because the rash is grouped in the same way as in case of herpes .
  5. If the disease is hereditary, it manifests itself immediately after birth. Bubbles appear unexpectedly, often in places of small damage.
  6. Diabetic bullosa can be distinguished by tight bubbles in the distal extremity.
  7. Dystrophic dermatitis develops from childhood and usually develops into a chronic form. Scars occur on the blisters after healing.

Treatment of bullous dermatitis

Therapy depends on the cause of the disease and is to eliminate it. So, for example, allergic disease is treated with antihistamine drugs, hormones can be used to fight hereditary or dystrophic disease, and in herpetiform bullous dermatitis it is important to eat properly and exclude from the diet cereal products with a high content of iodine.