Chinese guessing on coins?

Ancient Chinese guessing on coins helps a person to find an answer to a question that has arisen, allows him to learn how to get out of a difficult situation and in what direction to act. For divination, a book of changes consisting of 64 hexagrams is used, while each has its own specific interpretation.

Chinese divination by coins in the book of changes

To conduct fortune-telling, you need to take a sheet of paper, a pen and three coins, which can be ordinary or decorative. If you want to often refer to the book of changes, then select three coins of the same denomination and use them only for fortune telling . First, ask the book a question that I would like to receive a positive or negative answer. It is important that the petition relates to a specific situation, and not be abstract. It is necessary to alternately or together throw up coins and look at the result. If most of the coins fell eagle up, then you need to draw a solid line on the paper, and if the edge is intermittent. In general, throw up coins six times. The lines should follow, moving from the bottom up, which symbolizes a certain development of the situation. The meaning of Chinese fortune-telling on coins can be found here .

In order to obtain the most truthful information, it is necessary to take into account such rules:

  1. You can not ask the same question, especially if you just did not like the received interpretation of the hexagram.
  2. Do not start guessing and ask questions that relate to the desire to harm someone. In this case, you can not count on a truthful answer, and the book can be offended for a long time.
  3. To proceed to the ancient Chinese fortune-telling on coins is necessary in a good mood and only with positive thoughts. It is important that no one is around, and silence is observed.

Consider that divination is not a verdict and even from negative information it is just necessary to draw the right conclusions and take into account these recommendations.