Asters - diseases, pests and control

Some of the beautiful autumn colors in our garden are asters . To grow them sometimes requires a lot of strength and patience, because an aster suffers from disease and is threatened by numerous pests, which means that the fight against them must be regular and effective.

Diseases of perennial and annual asters

It is proved that an aster is subject to more than 20 diseases, in addition to being attacked by pests, but properly selected treatment and extermination of insects can nullify their harmful effect. Some diseases begin to affect the seedlings already in the boxes, others arise only under certain climatic conditions, and still others are hiding until the moment of flowering. Let's look at the most common ones that happen in our climatic zone.


This is a fungal lesion, which many plants and astra are faced with. It affects both seedlings before planting in the ground, and adult plants. An indication of the disease with a black stem is the blackening of the stem in the root zone, which can reach a height of 10-15 cm. Seedlings, as a rule, disappear very quickly, into adult plants gradually fade and deteriorate completely.

To protect the seed material, the seeds are treated with a strong manganese solution before sowing, carefully disinfect the soil. If already blooming plants are ill, they are completely removed, burned, and the ground is poured with formalin solution to prevent the spread of the fungus.

Mosaic (jaundice)

This viral disease affects not only asters, but other flower crops. It is characterized by yellowing of the leaves, which become non-uniformly spotted - with light and darker areas, where the name came from. The disease begins with the central core, gradually capturing the plant as a whole. Buds also suffer and have a pale yellowish coloration instead of a bright shade. Sick plants are removed from the root and disposed of, or burned, as chemical agents are powerless against this disease.

Powdery mildew

Plaque, similar to dirty flour on the stems and leaves of the aster is caused by a fungus. It can be removed with a solution of colloidal sulfur or a mixture of soda and laundry soap. If the disease has spread, it is better to destroy plantings by burning, otherwise the wintering mycelium again attacks asters under favorable conditions.


From preparations, than it is possible to process asters from illnesses like fusarium wilt, attention deserves Fundazol, cobalt chloride, Topsin-M, magnesium sulphate. This is the most common disease in asters begins with yellowing and wilting leaves, after which they dry up, and black-brown stripes appear on the stems. If time does not take action, the plant dies.

How to spray asters from pests?

In addition to diseases, asters and various insects are threatened. It:

All these pests harm green frequent plants - they suck out life-giving juices, They spoil the buds, they destroy the tender root system. From salivary pennies will rescue spraying with carbs and infusion of tobacco, which will destroy the meadow bug. The fine spider mite does not tolerate lime, and also the infusion of onion with laundry soap, which literally should be washed on the leaves by the plants.

Spraying with chlorophos will destroy the attack of the scoop, and "Fundazol" will destroy the earwig. In addition, in the presence of insects on the site, it is necessary to observe a crop rotation - do not plant the plants two consecutive years in the same place. It is supposed to plow the soil deeply and get rid of the weeds. Observance of sanitary norms in many respects will save a flower garden from troubles in the form of diseases and insects-pests.