Treatment of cherries in autumn from pests and diseases

Before you wait on the cherry harvest of sour-sweet fragrant cherries , some gardeners have to face some problems. The cherry tree is characterized by high frost resistance, but at the same time it is so susceptible to diseases and pests. In view of this, the special treatment of cherries must be carried out not only in spring, but also in autumn.

Treatment of cherries in autumn from diseases - stage one

Proceed to preventive measures should be as soon as the tree has fallen all the leaves. After that they are immediately removed from the site and burned, so as not to lead to the development of pests - weevils, aphids, butterflies, flies and others. Do not hurt and pruning dry and damaged branches. Places of cut are treated with garden or healing ointment. Then proceed to digging the stump in the half-shovel. All these measures are aimed at removing factors that provoke the development of diseases and pests.

Treatment of cherries in autumn from pests and diseases - stage two

Unfortunately, the above procedures are not always able to completely protect your sapling from diseases and insects. That is why it makes sense to spend the fall additional processing of cherries from pests. Of the funds that are on the farm, you can use urea. Nitrogen fertilizer not only feeds cherries, but also destroys fungi and bacteria that cause disease. To do this, prepare a solution, mixing 50 g of urea in 10 liters of water, which sprayed not only the trunk and the crown, but also the trunks.

If in the summer the cherry was exposed to disease or invasion of pests, it is recommended to run a whitewash with slaked lime, which is better mixed with a small amount of copper sulfate or clay. This whitewash will help protect against rodents and burns from the bright sunlight of the spring sun.