How to grow peanuts in a cottage?

Tasty and hearty bean representative, whose homeland is South America, on our lands is considered something exotic. But is it possible to grow peanuts in the country - that's what our gardeners are often interested in. Let's figure it out.

How to plant peanuts in the country

In southern regions, where the air temperature reaches the required 27 degrees in the summer, it is possible to get a good harvest of peanuts in the country without problems. You can do "peanut" as soon as the soil warms up to 15 degrees. Before planting seeds, they should be soaked in warm water for 20-24 hours. To increase the germination in water, it is recommended to add a couple drops of the biostimulator "Epin".

For a bean pick up a site in an open sunny place, where loose and fertile soils prevail. Planting peanuts at the dacha should be made at a depth of 7-10 cm. The planting scheme is the following: between the plants in the row observe a distance of 18-20 cm, and between rows - at least 50 cm. Do not water immediately after planting.

How to grow peanuts in a cottage?

Before flowering, plant shoots are systematically watered, but not abundantly. So only peanuts bloom, watering increases. An interesting detail - the plant blooms only for one day, by the evening the small yellow flowers wither. After the end of this period, peanuts should be watered only if the drought is prolonged. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil to avoid decaying the roots. In addition, care for "peanuts" should include the usual work in the form of weeding and feeding.

Harvest harvesting is performed when the leaves begin to turn yellow. With dry weather, they dig up bushes with pitchforks, so as not to damage root crops. After the shell is dried, the beans are torn off the bush and dried at high temperatures. You can store peanuts in a room where ventilation is carried out, and the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees.