Why do children eat goats?

To pick out from the nostrils of the fingers the dried snot (gnats) is a widespread habit, both among children and adults. Moderate picking in the nose is not considered a deviation from the norm. But an excessive hobby for this (rhinotilexia) can be a sign of psychological disorders or mental disorders. Excessive digging can result in nosebleed or more serious damage.

From cleansing the nose to a bad habit

The human nose performs two major physiological functions - breathing and smelling. The inner surface of the nose is covered with epithelium, and on its surface - mucus. In addition to the olfactory receptors in the nose, there are many other sensitive endings. If extraneous particles or the formation of dried mucus enter the area of ​​the nose, a sneezing reflex occurs, as sensitive receptors become irritated. The organism needs constant purity of the nasal cavity. Accordingly, from the point of view of physiology picking in the nose - the procedure is completely justified.

Why do some children not only take out their bugs, cleaning their noses, but also eat them? For them, this serves as a unique way of knowing the world. Sooner or later, every kid thinks about where the bugs come from in the nose, why they clog their noses, preventing breathing. The child does not yet know that the cause is in ordinary dust settling on the nasal mucosa. Therefore, he explores and even tastes what he takes from his nose. If the taste of the contents is necessary for the baby to like, he will sometimes eat gnats as they appear, for example, when there is nothing to chew or simply from boredom.

It is much more unpleasant when an adult has such a habit. It looks disgusting, and the body gets a lot of various microbes. In adulthood from a bad habit to get rid of is much more difficult.

How to disaccustom a child to pick at the nose? And whether it is necessary to do this?

Statistics show that 91% of adults pick their noses, thus clearing the nose of the dry goats contained in it. So it's dishonest and absolutely pointless to punish a child who picks at the nose.

For health, such an occupation is harmless, but it is very unpleasant for people around to look at it. Therefore, we recommend that the child be taught to cleanse his nose alone so that no one can see it. So you can avoid the development of neurosis and disobedience in children on this basis.

How to wean a child to eat gnats?

Much more worried are parents, whose child eats goats, and not just picking at the nose. Note that with age, most children stop eating homemade themselves. If you wait so long you do not want to, we recommend creating conditions under which the very appearance of dry crusts in the nose will be reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to pay attention to health, to treat a persistent runny nose.

Great importance is the humidity and temperature of the house, because hot and dry air contributes to the drying of the nasal mucosa, the formation of dry goats. It is advisable to have a humidifier at home, ventilate the room as often as possible, walk with the child on the street, do a wet cleaning.

To the child does not damage the nasal mucosa, shortly cut his nails.

Distract the child from picking in the nose, deal with him handicrafts and finger games.

By the way, one foreign scientist on the contrary believes that the use of his goats is a "vaccine" from many diseases. And physiologists from the US are sure that finger massage mucous at times improves the performance of brain activity.