Honey Scrub

A fragrant treat and a cure for many diseases - miracle honey - is also a universal component of lotions, shampoos, creams and masks. Honey scrub is one of the most effective means in home cosmetology. How to use honey for peeling ? This is in our article.

Honey body scrub

Due to cleansing abilities and its structure honey forms the basis of scrubs. It is useful not only to improve the appearance of the skin, but also to treat skin. This bee product is able to accelerate the regeneration of tissues, contributes to the healing of small cuts and cracks. It is quickly absorbed by the skin, penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis. Thus, even after the first use of honey scrub, the skin becomes velvety, acquires a healthy shade, looks younger. But for effective peeling you need other ingredients that have more or less large particles.

Often in home-made scrubs, sugar, salt, coffee, ground walnut shells are used as abrasive particles. One of the most popular is the coffee-honey scrub. To prepare it you will need:

All components must be mixed thoroughly. Honey body scrub is ready for use. It is worth noting that the coffee grounds from the drunk coffee cup has a stronger toning effect due to the evaporated caffeine. The particles are soft, not injuring sensitive skin. But dry ground coffee helps to conduct deeper cleaning. For scrub you can choose coffee coarse or fine grind. It all depends on those parts of the body on which peeling is performed, and also on the type of skin.

Facial scrub from honey

Sensitive facial skin requires more careful treatment than other parts of the body. It is worth noting that the most delicate areas - the skin near the ears and neck. Scrub in these places should be applied with cautious movements, left for a longer time, and, as gently massaging, wash off. Well, the zone around the eyes is not subject to peeling at home.

An excellent honey scrub for the face with the addition of sugar and olive oil:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Honey should be mixed with the same amount of sugar.
  2. Add 1 tsp. olive oil.
  3. The scrub is applied to the steamed skin of the face.

Sugar-honey scrub can also be used for the body. Only components need to be calculated in large proportions.

Lip Scrub of honey

The skin of the lips also needs peeling and replenishing. Even in pure form, honey copes with these functions as well as possible. But to enhance the effect of moisturizing in honey scrub for lips you can add olive or sunflower oil.

Also well nourishes the lips honey-milk mask-scrub. Since the skin of the lips can easily be scraped off, additional abrasive particles are not needed here.

Honey scrub from cellulite

Honey itself is an excellent tightener. It renews the water-salt balance in the cells of the skin tissues, accelerates the fat metabolism. Therefore honey scrub is very effective at the first manifestations of cellulite. The anti-cellulite peeling session is conducted as follows:

  1. Prepare a scrub of honey and table salt.
  2. Apply honey scrub to well-steamed skin.
  3. Using a polyethylene film, wrapping is carried out.
  4. After 20 minutes after wrapping, you can start the peeling procedure with vigorous massage movements.

Honey scrub for cuticle

Cuticle removal is one of the most difficult moments manicure. Gently clean the area around the nail will help the same honey. Scrub for cuticles made of honey and propolis can be purchased in ready-made form, but you can also cook at home:

  1. 1 tsp. Honey should be mixed with 2 g of dry ground propolis.
  2. Leave the mixture for 12 hours in a dark place.
  3. Scrub apply on the skin around the nail plate and slowly massage the massage to peel.

The use of such a scrub softens the cuticle, making it easier to remove.