Shatavari - use and contraindications

Ayurvedic medicine is gaining increasing popularity outside India. Thanks to this, Slavic women have recently had access to shatavari - the use and contraindications to this biologically active supplement (BAA) have not yet been studied by domestic medicine, so there are practically no medical reports on the drug. However, women still actively buy medicine, trying to get rid of gynecological and hormonal disorders.

Application of shatavari powder and its contraindications

A literal translation of the word "shatavari" from Sanskrit - having one hundred husbands. This is a very capacious and understandable allusion to the spheres in which the Indian plant under consideration is used.

In ayurvedic sources, shatavari is considered the best way to support women's health, rejuvenate the reproductive system and the body as a whole, increase libido and increase the chances of becoming pregnant. The main indications to the dietary supplement described are very numerous:

In addition to specific, there are general indications for the use of shatavari:

The instructions to shatavari indicate that there are no contraindications to the dietary supplement, there may be only short-term side effects with prolonged use or exceeding the prescribed dosages, as a rule, constipation.

Scheme of application of shatavari powder

The basic course of therapy described by the means - take a 0.25-1 tsp powder for half an hour before breakfast (on an empty stomach). Drink the drug can be water, but preferably warm milk, as it speeds up the effect and assimilation of active ingredients.

Duration of treatment is 3-4 months.

Method of application of capsules shatavari - 1-2 tablets for 20 minutes before meals, washed down with warm water or milk, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

The course lasts 20 days, after it a break for 10 days is done and the therapy resumes. It will take 3-5 repetitions.

If you want to get pregnant, it is recommended to take shatavari only with warmed milk and several stamens of saffron flowers.

Reviews about shatavari and additional contraindications

The opinions of women about the considered BAA are ambiguous. Some speak of it very positively, especially when used from infertility and during menopausal syndrome. Other women emphasize the appearance of negative side reactions to the drug in combination with an absolute lack of any effect.

When deciding whether to take shatavari, you should always consult a doctor, and it is desirable to get an additional specialist in ayurvedic medicine.

It is worth noting that the dietary supplement, though not directly contraindicated, is still not recommended for such diseases: