Compress with angina - the most effective options

Traditional medicine includes many tools and techniques, with which you can get rid of various diseases. Compress with angina is one of the most commonly used folk procedures for treatment. He has a number of useful actions and helps for a short time to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Whether it is possible to do or make a compress at an angina?

Such procedures are referred to as distracting options, and they will be an excellent addition to the main therapy prescribed by the doctor. Under the influence of heat, capillaries expand, which leads to the fact that the blood vessels are reflexively dilated, located deep. A compress on the throat with angina helps to increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the tonsils, reduce swelling and speed up the process of removing toxins from the tissues.

After several procedures, the pathogen loses its activity, painful sensations decrease, weakness passes and inflammation disappears. As a result, the patient is on the mend. Compresses with angina give results only with the first symptoms of the disease, but when they form abscesses they are prohibited. Contraindicated procedures for dermatitis, allergies, heart and vascular disease, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, tuberculosis, oncology, as well as with a tendency to bleeding.

What compresses can I do with angina?

To cope with the pain, reduce inflammation and accelerate recovery, you can carry wet and dry compresses. For the first use of medicines, honey, vodka, infusions and other products. Dry compresses are designed to keep warm. It is impossible to conduct procedures when the temperature is raised. Another important point - some natural products can cause an allergic reaction. A compress for the throat with angina is placed on the submaxillary and anterolateral cervical region. It is important to avoid the thyroid and heart area.

Alcohol-based compress with angina

The most popular method in treatment is the procedure with the use of vodka. The result is achieved by warming the upper skin cells, which leads to an acceleration of the movement of airborne particles in the blood. As a result, inflammation ceases to spread and begins to decrease. Compress on the throat of vodka with angina is best done before bed, because it is not recommended to go out after him on the street for two hours.

  1. Vodka, let it sit for a while to room temperature, pouring it into a bowl. Dampen the cloth and wring it.
  2. Attach it to the throat, and wrap it on top of the film to prevent moisture from evaporating quickly.
  3. It remains only to fix everything on top with a scarf and it's best to lie down for 3-4 hours.

Compress with angina with dimexide

For the procedures used a drug that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Dimexidum is famous for the fact that it acts directly on the inflammation focus, therefore it is recommended to use it in angina. The procedure with this medication is suitable for adults and children, only the last to keep a compress with dimexide should not be more than two hours. If there is an itch or burning sensation, then it is necessary to stop the procedure, washing the mixture with water.



  1. Combine the medicine with water, and then pour the juice and mix well.
  2. Melt the honey and add to the finished mass. Put everything in a water bath and warm it up properly.
  3. The resulting mixture is laid out on natural matter and attach to the throat. Fix it with a film and warm it with a scarf.
  4. Compresses for angina are done once a day before bedtime, and they are kept for at least three hours.

Cottage cheese compress with angina

Sour milk product has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used to get rid of painful sensations in the throat. To perform the procedure, it is necessary to heat the curd slightly and put it on gauze, covering it with a second layer. Attach everything to a sore spot, wrap it with a film and warm it with a scarf. Keep the compress from the cottage cheese with angina for 4-5 hours. It should be done every other day until the result is obtained.

Saline compress with angina

Procedures using salt have an anti-inflammatory and warming effect. Apply it both in dry and wet form. Dry salt compresses are very simple: you need to heat the salt in a dry frying pan up to 500-700 degrees, and you can still use a microwave oven. Transfer it into a bag of cotton cloth. From the top it should be additionally wrapped with several layers of matter, so that heat can be felt when applied, but a burn was not received. The bag must be fixed with a scarf, so that it does not move. In another way, make a wet compress.



  1. In water, dissolve the salt, and then, in the resulting solution, moisten the cotton cloth.
  2. Attach it to the neck, wrap it with a film and warm it with a scarf. Hold for hours.

Compress from cabbage with angina

The healing properties of this vegetable are due to the rich chemical composition, so it includes vitamins, organic acids and minerals. Thanks to this cabbage has anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic properties, helping to improve metabolism. Another vegetable has a bactericidal and phytoncidal effect. Compress from cabbage is useful in diseases of the throat and mouth. It helps to relieve pain and calm a strong cough.

The procedure is very simple, you need to take cabbage leaves and mash them to secrete juice. Attach them to the sore throat, wrap the film and warm it with a scarf. Another option is to grind a stump on the grater, and then the mass is transferred to the fabric and a compress is applied to the sore throat. It lasts for 3-4 hours. Do the procedure every day until recovery.

Compress of raw potatoes with angina

Since ancient times, in the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system, various vegetables, rich in nutrients, have been used. Good results in the treatment of sore throat gives raw potatoes. Wash the tubers, peel and grind them on a grater, and then squeeze the juice. Put the mass on a piece of cotton fabric. Sprinkle with vinegar and cover with a cloth on top. Compress from potatoes, attach to the neck, wrapping a scarf. Leave it for the night, and in the morning rinse with warm water. Do the procedure every day until recovery.

Compress from household soap with angina

Among all the detergents, laundry soap is not only distinguished by its aroma, but also by its unusual properties. This is due to its natural composition, so the product is considered environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. It has been experimentally proven that soap has an antibacterial effect. Due to its alkaline balance, it perfectly copes with different types of microbes. It should be noted that laundry soap dries the skin, so it is important to use a moisturizer after it.



  1. To make a compress with laundry soap, chop it on a large grater and put the shredded garlic through the press.
  2. Put the mixture on gauze. Lubricate the neck with cream and put a compress. Fix it on top with a film and warm it with a scarf.
  3. Keep the compress with angina is necessary for five hours. Do not exceed the allotted time, as this will cause a burn. The relief comes after 1-2 procedures.

Compress of honey with angina

Bee products are often used in recipes of traditional medicine, because they have a unique composition. Honey is often used for diseases associated with the respiratory system, and its adherents are recommended for both traditional and alternative medicine. It is important to consider that in many people this beekeeping product causes allergies, therefore, a test should be carried out beforehand. Compress with angina with honey is suitable for people of any age.



  1. To make a honey compress, you need to mix all the ingredients to homogeneity.
  2. The finished mass is put on a gauze napkin and cover the top with one more layer.
  3. Lubricate the neck with oil and put a compress on the area under the jaw. Top with a wrap and warm a scarf. Keep the bandage for 1-4 hours.