Soul Pain

Mental pain, perhaps, is the strongest and most difficult of all kinds of pain. Tablets help with physical pain, and even the strongest antidepressants are not able to rid themselves of the spiritual pain, that's why they say that mental pain is stronger than physical pain. In addition, forget about the physical trauma is several times simpler than about the spiritual, emotional. It dulls slowly, gradually, and absolutely does not give any chance to forget in the first days.

Severe heartache

Mental pain is very different from physical in its mechanism of action. First, after a shocking event, there comes a kind of numbness and the realization of what happened does not happen, and only then, when the braking protection mechanism passes, the pain covers the person.

Moreover, the focus of emotions can flare up with renewed force whenever a person encounters any reminders of traumatic events. There is a feeling that the situation has just happened, so strong are the sensations of pain. How to drown out the heartache, if everything around reminds her of ...? In this case, it is especially difficult to deal with it.

Thinking about how to ease mental anguish, many people achieve a great success in life, which allows a few dull painful experiences, childish fears or humiliations. Many complexes, fears come from childhood or from adolescence, because children are cruel and do not understand how much they can hurt a person and even influence his future life by various rude words and humiliating attitude.

There is an opinion that people who were offended in childhood tend to become policemen or teachers, thus playing the situation in their own way. However, in most cases, even a successful life implementation is not able to help a person in such a case as to cure mental pain.

How to cope with heartache?

Unfortunately, even in our age of high technology, people still have not come up with a cure for heartache. There is a mass of antidepressants, however how to cure them of mental pain? Medications only temporarily drown her, but nothing more. They are not capable of erasing memory or of correcting the past.

In the villages, the guards could offer you a conspiracy from the pain of the soul, but this path is magical, which means again unnatural, and its effectiveness is not proven. Not everyone is allowed to read the plot so that it works.

In modern psychology, there are ways to tell how to get rid of mental pain. One of them is the substitution of memories. To do this, you need to sit in solitude, concentrate, remember the painful situation, and replace it with another. Imagine that you have never met with your abuser, in his place you have caught another person who is very fond of and respects you. Your the relationship is calm, realistic. You need to imagine this every evening until you remember your past, you will not come across this new picture created by you. You have to believe that it was so. How to reduce mental pain, you will not have to think about it, because it will start to disappear after that.

Then, for a while, try to get away from it altogether, so that the situation with the substitution is forgotten, and the layer you invented harmoniously blends into your memory. Many people who are pathological liars know this mechanism: they retell their fiction so many times that they begin to really believe in it. It is this effect that we need to achieve as a result of this our practice, which will allow you to cure your heartache and go further with your head held high.