How to deal with laziness, apathy and procrastination?

The term "laziness" in translation from Latin means sluggishness, slowness. This is a characteristic of a person who does not want to work, but prefers to spend all his time idly. This trait is considered a vice, since such a person does not bring any benefit, being a parasitic organism on the body of society.

Idleness and laziness - reasons

Throughout life, within each person, there is a struggle between the desire to do something, the pursuit of success and prosperity and the complete opposite - inaction, unwillingness to do anything at all. The latter arises as a result of low motivation. Psychologists say that if a person does not want to do anything even in situations when it is necessary, then he has a weak willpower. In life, this phenomenon is called laziness. In order to understand how to deal with laziness, it is necessary to clearly understand what this concept means from the point of view of psychology and what laziness means in the global sense.

In this science, sloth is considered as a component of the emotional-volitional sphere of the individual . Most often this feature is described on the negative side, noting that laziness is the unwillingness of a person to work, to increase the effectiveness of his work. Such people prefer to rest, have fun and do anything, just not to do what is necessary. The main reason for this behavior, according to psychologists - is the lack or misunderstanding of the goal, a weak motivation or a complete lack of it.

Not the least role in shaping laziness, as a character trait, is played by the surrounding social environment. Often, the media promotes inaction, if the action does not bring any benefit. But there is a laziness and a positive characteristic - if the body is tired and requires rest, then such laziness plays a protective function and saves the vital energy of a person.


  1. Apathy.
  2. Prostration.
  3. Depression.
  4. A succession of failures.

There are many kinds of laziness. All of them relate to this or that side of human life, but most often there is physical and laziness, as a result. The latter implies a conflict of human desires and its capabilities, that is, the demands are enormous, and there are no opportunities for their implementation. This species is most characteristic of modern society, in which very few people know how to deal with laziness.

What is the difference between laziness and procrastination?

The difference between these two concepts is essential, although for many, laziness and procrastination are synonyms. As already mentioned, laziness is a reluctance to do something for various reasons. Procrastination is the postponement of cases and duties for an indefinite period. The reason may be a phone call, a desire to refresh yourself, checking mail and surfing in social networks, etc.

That is, a person seems to be going to devote a certain amount of time to the performance of his duties, but he, all the time, is distracting. As a result, a lot of time wasted. Laziness and procrastination are different from each other, that in the second case, a person is going to do something, but does not do it and at the same time does not idle. There is an appearance of activity, but there is no result.

The danger of this condition is that the procrastinator, who has worked hard and understands that the time is tight, will work hard without sleep and rest, and will reproach himself for not having done everything before. The organism in such a situation is under stress and energy deficit, which negatively affects the state of the nervous system. It is necessary to fight this phenomenon by self-education.

What leads to laziness rights?

The consequences of laziness can be terrible, up to the loss of work or deduction from the university, family loss and condemnation from close people. After all, initially a person does not think about what laziness can do to a person, but understands it after a time when, often, it is already too late. But most importantly, it is the realization that you spent so much time in vain, and could have already achieved a lot.

How to deal with laziness and apathy?

There are several ways to defeat laziness and apathy in yourself:

  1. Start communicating with colleagues.
  2. Do not communicate with people who are pessimistic and see the world only in gray tones.
  3. Get rid of old and unnecessary things lying in reserve.
  4. Diversify your leisure time.
  5. Set goals and achieve them.
  6. Go in for sports. It is noticed that when laziness and mental fatigue are piled up, there is nothing better than getting up and doing some physical exercises.
  7. Reward yourself for the victory.

How to struggle with laziness to study?

The fight against laziness at school age should begin with the identification of the causes of its occurrence. Often this is stress caused by learning disabilities. For the efforts to succeed:

How to win laziness and start playing sports?

Laziness is the first reason why people do not go in for sports. These tips for those who are wondering how to overcome laziness and go in for sports:

The struggle against laziness - Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, laziness and despondency are considered not just a vice, but one of 10 deadly sins . According to the clergy, this is a disease of the soul, when one does not want to do anything and all the white light is not nice. The soul and body are weakened. It is suggested to fight this vice by singing psalms, reading prayers, visiting services, that is, directing all efforts to strengthen the spirit. Every work must begin with God's blessing and be patient.

If you do not know how to overcome laziness in yourself and all of the above methods have not produced a result, because laziness has already become a part of life, and perhaps is a symptom of a disease, then it will be right to turn to a specialist. In some cases, it's enough to have a heart-to-heart talk, and sometimes there is a need to resort to taking medications.