Facial features and character

The facial features and character of a person are inextricably linked. Determining the nature of a man by his appearance is not so difficult, this is evidenced by the whole appearance of the manner of dressing, behavior and many other features. But the most true you can determine the nature of the facial features. Whether we like it or not, our inner world will necessarily leave any markings on our faces.

There is a whole art of reading character on the face of a person, called physiognomy. This branch of science originated in ancient times in China. According to treatises on physiognomy, it is possible to determine the character of a person in the face, paying attention to the shape of the face, and also to each line separately. The definition of the character of a person in the face is constructed by his predisposition to one or another action, but the true essence of the temperament is difficult to determine to the end. Let's find out how to define the character of a person in the face and what to pay special attention to.

Determine the nature of the face

Oval face and character in the science of physiognomy are closely related. The correct oval shape of the face, with the same proportions of the forehead and chin, indicates a high intelligence and prudence, thoroughness and balance, purposefulness and willpower. A triangular face with a broad forehead and a narrow chin tells us about its owner, as a person sensitive and gifted.

The square type of face and character makes it somewhat angular - masculinity and decisiveness prevail, even stiffness and severity, and often coarseness and tightness of mind. A round face speaks of such traits of character as softness and kindness, good nature and peace. An elongated, elongated face describes a person as bold, determined and purposeful.

Character of a person by facial features

The definition of the character in the face can be carried out not only in its form. Much will be told about a person and certain facial features, and the character will open in all its versatility. The high and open forehead speaks of the ability to lead, and the narrow one - about the proximity of the mind and limitation. Intellectual abilities and character on the features of a man can be easily identified by the ears. Big ears are distinguished by a confident person, full of determination and purposefulness, punchy and strong. The little ones talk about lively character and frivolity, a brilliant, but somewhat shallow mind. Elongated ears indicate emotionality and impressionability, but broad - about common sense.

Learn the nature of the face will also help the eyes - a mirror of the human soul. Beautiful, big and bright eyes speak about a good and intelligent person, but any defects indicate the minuses of the character. Thus, bulging eyes indicate talkativeness and lack of common sense, and small narrow eyes - about closedness and stubbornness. Deeply planted eyes belong, in the main, to people treacherous and envious.

The most correct definition of the character on the facial features can be done by looking at the nose and mouth of a person. The long nose speaks about the individuality and originality of man, thin and bony - about arrogance, eagle - about vanity, overhanging by the mouth - about greed and anger. The short nose belongs most often to open and sociable people, snub-nosed - curious, wide - secretive, bifurcated at the end - timid, and a nose with a hump - a tendency to self-defense.

The mouth points to the inner energy of a person. Corners of the lips, lowered down, speak of pessimism, and raised ones upward - about optimism. A big mouth belongs to daring people, a small one - modest and secretive. Rounded, full and soft lips speak about the softness of character, gullibility and naivety. Thin lips testify to stubbornness, strength of character, ability to eloquence. If the upper lip protrudes forward, this indicates indecision, and the protruding lower lip is about selfishness and narcissism. Studying the features of the people around you, you can be more confident in the features of their character, to anticipate their actions and actions in those or other situations. This, of course, will allow you to understand also in yourself, become more confident.