
Cyclotemia is a complex condition of a person, in which chronic instability of mood is noted. In this case, there are constant changes in episodes of mild depression and elevated state. It is difficult to say that this is a very common problem, but it can not be called irrelevant: according to official data, about 3-6% of people are familiar with this condition.

Cyclotymia - Causes

As a rule, the cause of cyclothymia is a hereditary factor independent of a person. This disorder occurs mainly in those people whose relatives suffered from bipolar affective disorder. However, in some cases, such a state can arise against the background of a general unhealthy situation in the family. In some cases, these two factors overlap.

Cyclotymia - symptoms

To know this condition is not difficult, the symptoms are quite clear. A person subject to cyclothymia, constantly resides either in a state of inspiration and thoughtless actions, or in a deep melancholy.

At a time when a person is depressed, as a rule, general activity decreases. He wants to retire, refuses to communicate, suffers from insomnia, or on the contrary, sleepiness, and pessimistically looks at life. At the same time, both the past and the future are assessed negatively.

The most important symptom of this state is anhedonia, that is, the loss of a sense of happiness and joy not only in life in general, but also about what usually pleases a person: tasty food, cheerful communication, sex, etc. In this case, the clinical picture does not show suicidal tendencies. This time simply passes in devastation, detachment. This condition is accompanied by at least three symptoms from the list:

At the moment when depression passes and replaced by an upbeat mood, something usually changes from external circumstances (either the worsening factor disappears or the season changes, etc.). In this state, a person becomes creative, joyful, active, enjoys everything that he had previously enjoyed. This condition is accompanied by at least three symptoms from the list:

The main feature of experts is the chronic changeability of mood from depression and indifference to creativity and joy.

Cyclotemia - treatment

Most often, cyclothymy overtakes people in young, and even in adolescence. It flows in different ways: in some it is practically a constant state, while in others it is undulating, with uniform changes, then increasing, then weakening. In some people, there are intervals between phases, and in this case they speak of a periodic course of the disorder. Sometimes this condition persists a person throughout his life, and sometimes develops into more complex deviations like a serious depressive disorder. As a rule, after examination and diagnosis, the psychiatrist prescribes conservative medical treatment. Mood disturbances (in either direction) are prevented with sodium valproate, lithium, or other similar remedy. If only a low mood is worried, prescribe NO-therapy, prozac and sleep deprivation treatment.