Ear Inflammation - Symptoms in Adults

All infectious processes affecting the auditory organs in medicine are called the generalized term "otitis." It is an ear inflammation - the symptoms in adults of this disease are diverse, they depend on the localization of the problem, its form and pathogen. In accordance with the affected department, the external, middle and inner otitis are distinguished. The latter type of disease is less common than others, usually a complication of lighter forms of pathology.

Signs of inflammation of the external ear in an adult

The main symptoms of this type of otitis media are as follows:

Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the middle ear in an adult

The presented form of pathology is considered more dangerous, since otitis in this case progresses in the deep zones of the ear passage.

The clinical picture of the disease resembles in many respects the external inflammation, but has a number of principal differences:

Symptoms for inflammation of the inner ear in adults

As already mentioned, the labyrinth or internal otitis is the most complex kind of pathology. It proceeds with such signs: