Words of support in difficult times

Life does not consist of only holidays, troubles happen to everyone, and it is so important to hear good words of support from relatives in a difficult moment. And no matter how much they say that "men do not cry," they also periodically need our support.

How to support a beloved man?

  1. Often a woman, noticing the change in her husband's mood, does not think about how to support him. And it's not a woman's insensitivity, just many of us immediately start to suspect a husband of treason, losing sight of the moment that there may be a lot of other reasons for his strange behavior. Therefore, one should not make scandals and make claims based on suspicions, but gently and unobtrusively find out what actually happened.
  2. When everything is at home well, it's much easier to cope with life's troubles. Therefore, in difficult times a man, as ever, will help home comfort. Do not be lazy to indulge his favorite food, offer to take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils and massage. You can also offer him a walk to your favorite places or make a gift that he has long wanted. So the man will understand that you care about him and whatever happens, you are near. Supporting the case more often reaches the male consciousness better than words.
  3. Be creative in solving the problem. Your husband can not see the way out of the situation that you will see. Therefore, ask about everything to tell and think about how you can improve the situation, it is probably your wise advice that will help your husband overcome difficulties.

Words of support to the beloved in a difficult moment

One desire to help a man, a little, you still need the right words to support your loved one. Because a careless word, even if pronounced from the best motives, can produce the opposite effect.

  1. Men do not like it when ladies climb with their advice when no one asks. The same goes for sympathy. A man will rather perceive this not as complicity, but as pity (that is, he is pathetic in your eyes). And it will hit hard on male pride and vanity. Thus, you not only do not support your man, but also cause aggression in him. Therefore, in a difficult moment saying "my poor, unfortunate" is not in any case. Better say that you believe in him, you know that he can handle everything, because he is so clever, talented, resourceful, in general, the very-very. Do not insist on a detailed and detailed story of his problems, asked unobtrusively, and that's enough. When he wants to - he will tell himself.
  2. Favorite female habit - to criticize a man, give him "priceless" advice at a time when he does not ask. Men tend to think that they can solve everything on their own, it is vital for them to be the best. And when you give uninvited advice, you thereby express doubts in the male self-reliance. No wonder that such behavior is so angering men. And if he also has troubles, then by his inappropriate remarks you will definitely provoke a scandal. If you think that a man is behaving incorrectly, it is better to tell him directly about it ("I would like it to be so and so"). And give advice when you are asked to do so.
  3. There are such words of support, which in a difficult moment will comfort any man. It's the phrase "you're not to blame." Men are used to controlling everything in their lives, they feel responsible for everything that happens. Therefore, it is peculiar to them to blame themselves in all their troubles. But how many situations do we call a coincidence? In such situations, everyone is usually to blame, and all are right. It is important to explain this to your man, to say that his guilt has not happened. This will help him to stop digging himself and start solving the problem.