How to recognize a pickup artist?

Pick-ups are modern donzhuans who rate girls on a scale of attractiveness and sexuality, and get acquainted with them solely for the sake of sleeping. At the same time, the pickups behave so gallantly and charmingly that it is very difficult not to fall in love with them. As a result, this situation is almost always the same: the broken heart of the girl and the next name in the list of victories of the guy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand how it is possible to recognize a pick-up artist in order to console yourself with false hopes and not to waste your time on a person who, almost certainly, does not deserve it.

How to recognize a pickup in life?

All the pickups are pretty confident. They can start a conversation with any phrase, whether it's an empty platitude or something original and attracting attention . But the main thing is self-confidence, which is felt and attracted, because every woman wants to see a strong man next to her.

Pikapery always know what to talk about. There will be no awkward pauses in the conversation, but excessive obsession will not appear. On the contrary, the guy will show an ideal golden mean: a pleasant conversation in which he will tell about himself, and he will ask about the girl. An important sign of how to recognize a pickup is tactile or eye contact. A young man will try to meet his gaze with a girl, gently touch her and so on.

And, of course, the pick-up artist will try to impress the girl, do something unusual and memorable, so that the girl would think that she found the one, the only one, which is simply not equal in the world. And all this is only for one purpose - to drag the girl into bed, and as soon as possible.

How to recognize a pickup on the Internet?

If in life everything is more complicated, as it is necessary to evaluate a lot of signs at once, and also the charisma of the young man will interfere, then everything is quite simple on the Internet. If a guy emerges from nowhere with an insistent desire to get acquainted, offers to meet, showering compliments and the rest in the same spirit, it's probably a pickup. And usually on the Internet there are not special professionals of this case, so it's not a problem to find them out, it's all too obvious.