Can a man love and ignore?

A man is often inclined to outwardly ignore the feelings and emotions of his beloved woman / girl, while he is attached to her. Perhaps, this behavior of many men is due to the fact that they do not (or do not want to) externally express their feelings . But often ignoring occurs for very specific reasons. Women often wonder whether a man can love and ignore at the same time, and the answer to this question can be found below.

Why does a man say that he loves, but ignores?

Men tend to win the attention and sympathy of the woman they like, but after that they can behave very detached, even cold. A girl can observe this behavior of a man almost from the beginning of acquaintance. Although there are examples of couples with a short experience of communication, where men behave as if they do not notice their companion. Why does the romance with the male side have such strange consequences? To this, men have their reasons.

  1. Girls need to learn, if a man ignores, it does not always mean that he does not like the girl who is next to him.
  2. The reason for the coldness can be that after getting to know the girl, the man realized that she was not quite "his" ideal. But he is not going to break off relations.
  3. Some alienation in relations can be manifested due to the fact that a man is not "ripe" to a serious relationship in principle. But he likes the girl, and he would not like to put an end to it.
  4. Today, men are accused of infantilism. As far as this trend has spread to a particular man, only a particular woman can judge. At the same time, it can be seen with an unaided eye that some men are afraid of responsibility in a new relationship.
  5. After the "conquest" of a woman, a man "calms down" a little and even loses interest in further role-playing games. If the partner suits him in all senses, especially in the intimate terms, then he does not intend to break such a relationship. But at one time (for someone like) a woman realizes that in her place can be any other.
  6. Here's another answer to the question of why a guy ignores a girl he loves. A man can deliberately ignore a girl he likes in two cases: if he thinks that she is too good for him; if in this way he wants to attract attention from the girl, cause her to respond emotions.
  7. In real life, the most examples of ignoring a girl with a man are due to the fact that he needs to increase his self-esteem in this way.
  8. The severity of the relationship can be affected by the inability of a man to build a relationship with a woman, if he has never seen such relationships in the immediate circle. This is often the reason why a man ignores a woman he loves, and with which he would not want to part.

A woman may not understand the true reasons for the behavior of her man, but a loving woman will always try to talk about living together with her partner. Communication and trust are the right way to keep a relationship.