Why does not a man call?

Men can talk as much as they like about our illogicality, although they themselves sometimes behave no better. That at least take their relationship with the phone. Often it happens, we broke our heads, why a man does not call, and then he tells us that the money is over, the phone was forgotten at a visit of a second cousin who lives in another city, and other fairy tales. And in fact it turns out that he was just too shy to call first. Well, that's who they are after that, the genius of logic? The truth is to ask the man why he does not call conveniently (it's not good for a girl to call first, our mother taught us), or there is no possibility (we did not take the phone number, but now we bite our elbows). And what should I do, be on duty at the telephone, get courage and call myself or forget about this person? We begin to understand, dividing the men according to how close the relationship between you.

Why does not my beloved call?

How do we understand why a beloved man does not call during the day - there is simply no time, or no feelings on his part? If you have been together for a long time, and when there are no "alarming" symptoms, then there is no need to fear the absence of calls from your beloved. He just does not consider it necessary to call you - because in the evening you will still see, and men do not have such a passion for telephone conversations, like many ladies. And if your man is working hard, then maybe he just does not have time to call and he spends his lunch break for lunch and rest, and not talk, even with his beloved woman.

It's another matter if a loved one does not call after a quarrel. Why do you think a man does not call first in this case? That's right, he is afraid that he will call you, admit his guilt, recognize your authority over yourself and fall under your sharp heels. Most often it is pride and fears about the loss of freedom that prevent our strong men from taking the first step towards reconciliation. Of course, this does not apply to cases where your discord has been outlined for a long time, and this quarrel was the last point.

Why does not a man call after sex?

Of course, we are worried if the relationship at first was wonderful, and then, after a date that ended in sex, the man does not call. What to do in this case, and most importantly, why does this happen? Then I remember an old joke on this topic: "If a man does not call after sex, then he either did not like sex with me, or he died. And I sincerely hope for the latter. " In real life, of course, we do not want such an outcome. And in this joke, as in others, there is a rational grain. A man will not call after sex, if he does not like him, especially if you do not have time to get close to him intimately enough. How do you respond to this? And as you wish. If a man liked you very much, then call him yourself, find out the reason. If he does not tell the truth, then you all will understand by reaction. And if you do not like it, then rejoice - you are spared from such a tedious lesson, like stitching an unnecessary admirer. Another option is why a man does not call after sex, but because he has received everything he wanted. Cherry is removed from the cake, a tick in the list of victories is set, he does not need anything more. What to do here is understandable, forget and in no case do not blame yourself - you are not with it, just a man-collector met.

Why does not a man call after the first date?

Went on a date with a man, he took the phone and promised to call, but he did not call, why? The first most pessimistic option, you did not particularly like him, and the phone took just out of courtesy. The second reason is some technical problems - I broke the phone, lost the number, went on an urgent business trip, etc. True, if you are a man really interested, then he will find a way to overcome them. And finally, the third option - he just can not get the courage to call you, afraid to show his interest. How many can not call such a man? Everyone has different ways, especially hesitant to get together with the spirit for years. So determine for yourself the period through which if a man does not call, you forget about him. Well, why do you need a shit?