Relations without obligations

Today, quite often you can hear from couples "we have a relationship without obligations." The phrase is interesting, I would understand yet what it means: the absence of obligations for the emission of garbage or a relationship that our grandmothers would call a short but capacious unprintable word?

Relations without obligations - what does this mean?

How to understand the expression "relationship without obligations"? The answer in one line can not be given here, it's too different meaning to put different people in the concept of "free relations".

  1. For example, men are often afraid of responsibility in relationships, and therefore they want freedom. Moreover, this freedom is necessary to them in different spheres of life, this includes both life and sex. Well, the relationship is without obligations, you can have as many partners as you want, and the other side will not say anything, because the contract.
  2. But the problem of irresponsibility concerns not only the strong half of humanity. Often, girls know exactly the duties of a guy in a relationship, forgetting about their own, and it's not surprising that such ladies are increasingly receiving offers of free relationships. In addition, emancipated women, who have firmly decided to make a brilliant career, sincerely believe that they do not have time to be exchanged for a family. In these cases, the initiator of free relations is the woman, and she does not marry not because no one offers, but because she does not want.
  3. A classic example of a relationship without obligations is a love triangle. There is a family, and for entertainment there is a lover (mistress), what obligations can there be?
  4. Frequently, relations without obligations are chosen by divorced men and women. Family responsibilities they are already fed up, they want a little freedom and romance. The desire to relax from a bored life is quite natural, but usually such relationships do not last long - the divorcees want warmth and understanding, which in relationships without obligations can not be more than all the other groups.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that different groups of people are inclined toward relationships without obligations, but all of them pursue the same goal - freedom. Although, psychologists say that often under such a relationship, people hide their insecurity and fear of responsibility. And the main attribute of free relations is an unwritten contract, the observance of which is obligatory for both parties. The main points of this agreement are the agreed schedule of meetings for a pleasant pastime and the absence of encroachments on the personal freedom of a partner.

Duties of men and women in relationships

Here we say: free relations are the absence of responsibility and obligations to the partner. And what are the fears of adherents of relations without obligations, what are the moments that plague these freedom-loving citizens into horror? These are the responsibilities that are imposed on men and women in traditional relationships.

The duties of men are to provide the family with various kinds of protection - physical, emotional, financial and spiritual. In principle, there are no revelations here, we want to see a defender in the man, and society has traditionally attributed this role to him.

Women's responsibilities are even more predictable - to support the husband, not to demand more from him, to be obedient, to be able to cook well and be faithful to the spouse. And here all the same long bored norms, from them and indeed you really want to escape, because it turns out that the destination of women in the service of her husband. And this is for a modern woman - like a knife sharp. So you can understand the lovers of free relationships, if not for one moment. Nowadays, observance of these norms is no longer mandatory (grandmothers on the bench can, and will condemn, and no one else will be), a woman can provide a family, and a man to be a housewife. At least, the Family Code speaks about gender equality, so there is no special reason to hide from obligations in free relations.