Why do not tomatoes blush in the greenhouse?

Hothouse conditions for growing vegetables provide an opportunity to harvest much earlier. However, it takes a lot of effort to ensure that the harvest is ripe in time and has not been spoiled by pests or various fungal diseases. In the issue of growing a tomato sooner or later you will come across a question, why the fruits do not blush for a long time in the greenhouse.

Why do tomatoes turn red in the greenhouse?

In total, the full development and maturation of the fetus takes about thirty days. But this is only on condition that the agrotechnics are not broken and you adhere to all the recommendations for a particular variety . When tomatoes turn badly, this is usually the result of mistakes in growing in the greenhouse, these are the mistakes we'll define in the list below:

  1. Ideally, the tomato first acquires a light tint, then gradually becomes orange and already at the end gets its natural color. But all this is true when the aging conditions are not violated, in particular, it concerns the temperature regime. Lower the temperature below 15 ° C or raise it above 35 ° C, and you completely break the synthesis of the so-called lycopene. This is the main reason why tomatoes do not blush in the greenhouse. Instead of its characteristic red shade, the skin becomes yellowish-orange, and around the foot appears a round trace of a greenish-yellow hue.
  2. The second reason why tomatoes do not turn red in the greenhouse is due to too much exposure to direct sunlight. Tomatoes are literally discolored. They do not have time to ripen, but simply are baked in the sun. Near the stems, a characteristic yellowing appears. And this problem concerns not only the middle of summer and early varieties, but even August.
  3. The opposite option, why the tomatoes do not blush for a long time, is the lack of light in the greenhouse. When the planting is too thick, the fruit simply does not have enough light to warm up. This can lead to the emergence of various diseases and pests.
  4. Remember how and when you fed your bushes. If in the soil there is an excess of nitrogen fertilizers or lack of potassium, the maturation will be slow and uneven. You will notice that foliage gradually begins to acquire a bronze shade, and at the ends it is clearly dry. By the way, empty tomatoes are the result of the wrong regime of fertilization.
  5. And finally, yellowness in the area of ​​the peduncle (incomplete ripening) is sometimes just a varietal feature. Most often, it is observed in hybrids, derived relatively recently.

What can I do to make the tomatoes bloom in the greenhouse?

Now that we know why the tomatoes do not blush in the greenhouse, we can turn to methods to accelerate their maturation. To do this, keep the greenhouse closed. The heat of the fruits is not terrible, but there are no flowers on the bushes. But in order to maintain optimal conditions, we will air the greenhouses in the morning for about two hours. Then the temperature regime will be preserved, and all moisture will gradually erode, because for a night condensation will necessarily gather. If possible, open the greenhouse and for evening airing, also for a couple of hours.

If you notice that the tomatoes are ripening slowly, and even unevenly, it is a signal about the thickening of plantings. In this situation, either repeated pasynkovanie, or trimming bush. The second scenario is valid for shrubs, between which the distance is about 30 cm. The sheet plates are cut completely, or half.

When tomatoes begin to lighten (the so-called milk ripeness), we remove the lower foliage. We stop all feeding in about the second half of July. These measures will not allow the bush to let the forks into the greens and thereby slow the maturation.