Statics - landing and care in the open ground

If you are looking for a plant that would look equally good both on the flower bed and as a material for floral arrangements , we recommend that you pay attention to the dried flowers of the statue, also called limonium or Kermek. About the features of landing and care of the statue in the open ground, we'll talk today.

Cultivation of seeds from seeds

In areas with warm winters the statue can be grown as perennial, constructing a winter shelter from any improvised materials - fallen leaves, lapnik or wooden shields. In this case, the growing of the statue from the seeds occurs directly on the bed. Sow it should be in the first half of April. In the same place where severe winters prevail, the statue has to be grown in seedlings. The seeding time for seedlings is at the end of March, and it is most reasonable to use separate pots for this. In the open flower garden, the seedlings are relocated in May, when the warm weather gets stronger without frost.

Planting and caring for the statics

The statue is a light-loving plant, so the bed under its planting should be isolated on a sunny and at the same time closed from the wind place. In order not to affect decorative, plant the statue with intervals of at least 30-35 cm. The soil on the bed can be any, but on heavy and clay patches the plant can grow weak and weak. Ideal soil for the statue is a loose and fertile soil with a low level of acidity. When watering it is necessary to remember that Kermek, originally, is a steppe inhabitant, and therefore it is extremely undesirable to flood it. The same applies to air humidity - at a high value, the plant can become a victim of fungal diseases. In making additional fertilizing, there is also no need - it is enough to add a little complex fertilizer to the pit.