Persimmon "Sharon"

Everyone knows a popular oriental fruit - persimmon. There are a lot of its varieties (over 200), but "Korolek" and "Sharon" are very popular in our markets. Even lovers of this fruit do not always know about the useful properties of their favorite delicacies.

In this article, you will find out how useful and how you can grow a persimmon "Sharon" in your garden.

Meet the persimmon "Sharon"

The fruits of this variety have a bright orange coloration, a thinner skin and dense flesh. Derived "Sharon" was in Israel by crossing an apple with a Japanese (eastern) persimmon. It is also called the Saron, by the name of the area where it was bred. To taste this persimmon reminds simultaneously three fruits: an apple, a quince and an apricot.

Unlike the others, the persimmon "Sharon" has a softer taste and does not have such a strong astringent effect due to its low content of tannin. A distinctive feature is the absence of bones inside the fetus.

Persimmon "Sharon" has spread all over the world, due to its high transportability and the fact that under the influence of frosts it becomes only sweeter and tastier.

Persimmon "Sharon" - useful properties

Thanks to the content of a large number of nutrients and vitamins, the use of persimmons "Sharon" has a beneficial effect on the human body:

Persimmon "Sharon" has a good soothing and toning properties, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the level of human performance. Its regular use improves the activity of the brain and strengthens immunity. Persimmon is an excellent preventive against atherosclerosis and thyroid gland diseases.

But this useful fruit can not be eaten by diabetics and people suffering from obesity. And also you should know that excessive use of "Sharon", can provoke intestinal obstruction.

Persimmon "Sharon": the use

There are many ways to use these fruits:

Persimmon "Sharon" - cultivation

Since a persimmon grows on a tree, it is better to grow it on a garden plot. The optimal time for planting persimmon is autumn. It should be done like this:

  1. Buy a seedling with a healthy root system, brown root neck and healthy branches.
  2. Choose a place where the persimmon "Sharon" will grow. It must be sunny and protected from the wind. Soil is better to choose loamy.
  3. Dig a hole that should be larger than the roots in the girth and make drainage.
  4. Fill the pit with a fertile mixture (compost) with a layer 30 cm thick and put a seedling there.
  5. Fall asleep layer by layer, watering each layer.
  6. After falling asleep, ground and compact the space near the roots.

In the future, regular watering will be needed, for a good development of the root system of the newly planted tree.

If you have correctly chosen and planted a seedling, then in a few years, he will please you with tasty and useful fruits.