Variety of persimmons

There is no reliable information about where the persimmon began to grow initially. It is only known that the first mention of this berry is found in Chinese chronicles, which are more than 2000 years old. It is well known that from there this plant migrated to Japan, and only then to East Asia. The whole world was able to appreciate the taste of this wonderful fruit only in the late 17th century. List all varieties of persimmons, which are only quite difficult, because they are in the region of 500. To date, the most sought after three varieties of persimmons, they will be discussed in this material.

What is the use of persimmons?

It's worth starting with general information that interests everyone who has tried this delicious fruit. So, what is so useful a persimmon? This fruit is very nutritious, since it contains a huge amount of sucrose and glucose. In its composition, you can also find a shock dose of vitamins C and A, and also citric and malic acid. Concerning the content of microelements, in persimmon a fairly large amount of manganese, potassium, copper and iron. The lack of these substances in the human body always adversely affects the state of health, so persimmon is a powerful weapon against winter and spring beriberi . Then you can go on to describe the most popular gourmet varieties of persimmons.

Persimmon "Korolek"

A variety of persimmons "Korolek" people eat for more than two millennia. It is grown all over the world, beginning from its homeland of China, ending with the USA, Africa, the Caucasus and the Crimea. The shape of the fruit of this variety can be the most versatile, from heart-shaped, round and to oblate. If the fruit is immature, then the taste of this berry will be tart and bitter, but the ripe or frozen fruits taste great. The main distinguishing feature of this variety is chocolate shade, as well as an orderly higher content of sucrose, which makes these fruits honey-sweet.

Persimmon "Sharon"

Variety of persimmons "Sharon" - a hybrid, which was obtained by selectors, as a result of crossing persimmon and apple. The fruits of this variety have a pronounced fiery-orange color, and their taste is simultaneously similar to quince, persimmon, apricot and apple. The first fruits were obtained in Israel, their name comes from the Saron Valley. The main difference of this variety from any other lies in the much less astringency of the fruit, even in an immature state. The taste of "Sharon" is very refined and delicate taste, he has already fallen in love with many lovers of this berry. It is advantageous to distinguish this variety from the majority and a complete absence of seeds in the fruit.

Persimmon "Mider"

The description of the sort of persimmon "Mider" begins with the fact that this variety is the most frost-resistant, therefore it is very widespread. The fruit of persimmon "Mider" ripens in late October, the variety is self-fertilizing. To learn its fruits is not difficult, because they have small size (not more than 50 grams) and the shape of a slightly flattened ball. After ripening the fruits have a refined, very delicate taste and aroma. Tartness is almost completely absent already in immature fruits, and after maturing disappears completely. Bones in the fruits of this variety are also completely absent, but provided certain species of pollinator are used. To learn the trees of this variety of persimmon is not difficult, because they reach a height of as much as 18 meters. And trees can easily withstand wild frosts to 35 degrees.

Whatever kind of persimmon you do not eat, know - with every piece you eat, you improve your health, because it's not for nothing that these ancient fruits were called "plum of the gods" by our ancient ancestors. Well, who, as gods, to know about the useful nutrition all? In addition, a persimmon is an excellent dessert.