An optimist and a pessimist

We often hang labels on people, saying "you're a pessimist, you will not get anything" or "you're an optimist, you see the whole world in pink glasses". And what does it really mean to be a pessimist and who are such optimists?

An optimist and a pessimist

An optimist and a pessimist are common words in order to characterize one or another person. But we do not often confuse concepts, not always fully understanding what this or that term means. For example, many believe that a pessimist is a well-informed optimist. Is this really so, or is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist not only in the possession of information?

To understand what a pessimist differs from an optimist, it is necessary to give a definition to both concepts. Let's first think about what the word pessimist means. According to Dal's dictionary, this concept means a person who sees everything in everything only as bad, expecting from life only strikes and obstacles. A person who does not notice the joys of life, you can only regret, he really is very difficult to live.

An optimist is someone who can notice good things in any life's vicissitudes. But do not think that the optimists do not see the world in real color - they all see, and everyone notices, they just treat it differently than the optimists. I was hit by a car, broke my leg, got into a hospital, but got a sick leave, an opportunity to relax and see my family and children more. In this case, "dissolve the snot" and complain about life, of course, easier, the pessimist would have done so. But for an optimist nagging (other people, especially his own) - like a knife sharp. Therefore, in every life's turmoil, he will find a way to earn money or respect for others or be consoled by the acquisition of a new experience.

So, what is the difference between a pessimist and an optimist? Differences can be found mass, but the main thing will consist in a more active (strong) vital position of the optimists.

What if I'm a pessimist?

It is not necessary to start complaining about life in a favorite manner and say that nothing will turn out now. As practice shows, a pessimist can always make an optimist. But first, think about whether this is really necessary for you. Rescue actions should be taken if your pessimism has reached its climax, you are constantly in a state of depression, despondency, nothing pleases you. But a small proportion of healthy pessimism can go to the person for good. Optimists may not provide for the worst scenario, but pessimists will do it. So, if you hope for the best, but are prepared for the worst, then this degree of pessimism should not be corrected.

How to stop being a pessimist?

If your level of pessimism has reached a critical point, then it is worth taking decisive steps to change the situation. So, how to become an optimist from a pessimist?

  1. Stop planning for worst-case scenarios. If you think "nothing good can happen to me" and "I never get anything done," then so on. Stop thinking so much, than you are worse than a broadly smiling optimist?
  2. Stop blaming yourself for everything, forget about the habit of self-interest. Yes, you may have made a mistake, but you can always fix it. Failures happen to everyone, but they should be met with a smile and immediately look for ways to solve the problem, rather than plunge into the abyss of self-flagellation and regret about their shortcomings.
  3. Try to surround yourself with optimists. If you communicate with the same pessimistic personalities, then there can be no question of any positive thinking.
  4. Learn to praise yourself, notice your positive aspects, your work and deeds. Soberly analyze each situation, see what you have done well, and what needs to be done to make it even better.
  5. Find a source of pleasure for yourself and do not forget to deliver it to yourself. Hobbies, listening to good music, meditation, tasty food, beautiful clothes, new novels or warmth that you give a single beloved man. Learn to enjoy life.