At what time does the test determine pregnancy?

Familiar situation: the long-awaited pregnancy does not come, and every menstruation is expected, as a sentence? In order not to worry in vain, and again not to wet the next test in the cup ahead of time, you need to know at what time the test determines the exact pregnancy.

When is it better to conduct a home analysis?

This difficult question - after how many days the test will determine pregnancy - in fact, it is not so complicated. For this it is important to understand the physiology of the female body. The ovum can be fertilized only for a period of 12 hours and up to a day from the moment of ovulation, but not more - just this is the life span of the main female cell. If now she does not meet with a sperm, then fertilization will not come.

It is believed that ovulation, that is, the release of the egg to a meeting with the sperm, occurs on the 14th day after the start of the last menstruation, but only if the cycle has 28 days. If it is more or less, the time will change. Approximately on the fifth day after fertilization, implantation takes place in uterine tissue and the human body develops hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body.

But at this stage, the concentration in the blood, and even more so in the urine, is negligible, although it increases every day. The level of hCG required for testing reaches by the time of delay, that is, approximately 2 weeks after the alleged fertilization.

This means that by monitoring your body, you will be able to find out, through how many you can determine the pregnancy by the test. Depending on the type of tests, some may already show the second strip a couple of days before the delay. On such, by all means, the figure of 10 units is indicated, that is, in fact, 7-10 days after the alleged conception, one can learn about the changes in your body. But if you get a less sensitive test (25 units), then it will act after delay or the same day when the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches 25 units.

Sometimes, if the pregnancy is ectopic or ovulation is late, the test will not show a second strip and after two weeks. If the woman is at a loss, not understanding at what time it is possible to determine pregnancy test, it is better to go to the laboratory to donate blood to HCG. This analysis will show a more informative picture - the amount of the pregnancy hormone in the blood and the duration of pregnancy.

But even if the home test shows a weak second strip, it is not always a sign of pregnancy. After all, there are false-positive tests that behave as a result of poor-quality reagent or various diseases, so it is desirable in any case to do a blood test.