Candles belladonna in pregnancy

Candles with belladonna are known to many pregnant women. This drug is often used to get rid of hemorrhoids and the early healing of anal fissures, as well as to relax the cervix immediately before childbirth.

In this article, we will tell you whether it is always possible to use candles with belladonna extract during pregnancy, and how they work.

Benefit of belladonna in pregnancy

The belladonna, or belladonna, is a poisonous plant, which at the same time has a number of medicinal properties and is capable of providing the following beneficial effects on the organism of expectant mothers:

Since women often have hemorrhoids and some other diseases of the rectum quite often during pregnancy, candles with bellies are one of the safest, most effective and most preferred means for treating these ailments.

In addition, the belladonna extract quickly and specifically eliminates the increased tone of the intestinal muscles and abdominal cavity, and also relaxes the cervix. This property is often used by physicians immediately before delivery to reduce the likelihood of a protracted birth process and the occurrence of complications thereafter.

When should I use candles with bellies during pregnancy?

Although the natural belladonna extract does not adversely affect the health and development of the unborn baby and, in general, is relatively safe, there are certain contraindications to the use of medications on its basis. According to the instruction, candles with belladonna can not be used in pregnancy if the woman has the following ailments:

Finally, it should always be remembered that candles with bellies, like any other medicine, can cause severe allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to their components. In any case, use this drug in the waiting period of the baby without the appointment of a doctor is strictly impossible, because its use can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.