Coffee with milk - harm or benefit

Coffee with milk is a popular morning drink, the harm or benefit of which causes arguments between dieticians and doctors. Disagreements in opinion arise because of the fact that these drinks are considered by some to be useful, some are harmful.

Harm and benefit of coffee

Coffee is a very controversial drink, and it often sees more minuses in it than pluses. The first include stimulating, depleting the nervous system and increasing the pressure properties of caffeine. Coffee is able to cause the strongest addiction, which, when you give up a drink, leads to the appearance of "breaking", feeling bad, feeling broken and depressed, and headaches. In case of heart problems, drinking coffee can lead to aggravation of diseases. In addition, an invigorating drink causes leaching out of the body of many useful substances - potassium, calcium , sodium, magnesium and some vitamins.

Ironically, some useful qualities of coffee are the same as in the first list. Basically, this is an invigorating effect of the drink - many people are not able without coffee to come into the mode of working capacity, people with low blood pressure without it feel tired and broken. These arguments are considered by many to be controversial, but the fact that coffee prevents such terrible diseases as some types of cancer, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, asthma, liver cirrhosis and many others will surely tip the scales in favor of this drink.

The most harmful is considered to be instant coffee, followed by a drink prepared by brewing in a cup of ground coffee, then - cooked in a Turkish or coffee machine. Therefore, the benefits of natural coffee, and with milk in particular, are much higher than harm.

What is the use of milk in coffee?

Milk can be harmful to people whose body does not absorb lactose. For the rest, milk is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. Adding milk to coffee or tea increases the calorie content of these drinks and enriches their nutritional properties.

Milk, added to coffee, changes some properties of the drink, softens them or neutralizes them. For example, black coffee stimulates increased release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so it is contraindicated in gastritis and other gastric diseases. Thanks to milk, coffee does not have such a strong effect on the acidity of the stomach, so it can afford a much larger number of people.

The stimulating effect of coffee with milk is lower than that of black coffee, but the first drink does not cause such a strong addiction, as the second. This fact makes coffee with milk quite affordable for people who are contraindicated in black coffee, for example, for adolescents and hypertensors, although in the beverage of these categories, you need to add milk more than everyone else.

Useful coffee with milk and for losing weight. This drink perfectly satisfies hunger and gives a lasting satiety effect. Thanks to this, coffee with milk can be used as snacks or if you can not eat a full breakfast or dinner. In addition to this drink for weight loss you can add a little cinnamon, but sugar should be excluded.

The benefits and harms of coffee and cream

The benefits of coffee and cream are due to the differences between cream and milk . The nutritional value of cream is higher, because it is a concentrated product, and, therefore, there are much more proteins, vitamins and mineral components in them. Vitamin D and calcium from cream are better absorbed because of high fat content, and a large amount of L-tryptophan well calms the nervous system and improves mood. Coffee with cream is certainly indicated for people with underweight and engaged in energy-intensive work, but for those who are obese, this drink will likely cause harm.