Low body temperature in a child

The temperature of the human body is an indicator of the state and health of the organism. If one of the organs is ill or has an infection, the body temperature may rise or fall. When a child gets sick, his fever rises, which means that his body is fighting the virus. And parents often know what to do in such cases. But it happens that the thermometer shows the child's low body temperature, although he behaves quite actively. Then the parents are confused as to why the child has a low temperature.

Sometimes a child's low temperature is a characteristic of his body. However, more often it speaks about the bad changes occurring inside, which can do much harm to health. The reasons are different, but it's worth noting that you can not leave this fact without the attention of adults. How to be in this case, call a doctor or hope that everything goes by itself?

Low temperatures can also occur in very young children. In a premature infants, low temperature happens due to the fact that the heat exchange of his body is not yet accustomed to sudden temperature changes, and it is possible to normalize his temperature with the help of mother's warmth, attaching it to his chest. If the baby was born before the due date or with very low weight it is placed in a specialized camera, where the temperature necessary for his life is maintained. But there are more serious causes of low temperature, which we now consider.

Causes of low temperature in a child

  1. The temperature of a child below 36 degrees can be due to a recently transmitted cold virus and signals a weakened immune system.
  2. Also, a very low temperature in a child can be with thyroid disease or poor adrenal work.
  3. Body temperature decreases with various infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
  4. The temperature at the child below norm can be, if at it the lowered maintenance of a hemoglobin in blood or at disease of a brain.

How to help a child with low temperature?

All these symptoms are accompanied by a sharp decline in strength and malaise of the body. The patient shows drowsiness, apathy, headaches, loss of appetite. If you feel that the child has a low body temperature at night, try to take immediate action. Do not rub the child with warming ointments, this will only worsen the situation. It will be better if you lie with him and warm him with your warmth. While the body temperature is not completely normal, let the child sleep with you. When supercooling, the baby should be warmed, but not wrapped, legs must necessarily be warmed. If the temperature drops in winter, reduce the number of walks.

In addition to physical factors, there may also be psychological reasons for lowering the temperature in children. Depression, bad mood and headaches also lead to a drop in body temperature. To determine a more accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a doctor. The therapist will tell you to take tests and be able to determine the cause of such a drop in temperature.

Try to pay attention to the behavior of the child and the temperature of his body at any time of the year to avoid complications. Strengthen the immunity of the child by hardening, vitamins. Be sure to include in the baby's diet fresh fruits and vegetables that help the body restore its immune system, strengthen its body and protect against all sorts of infections.