What can not be done in the Trinity and why?

The Trinity is an important Orthodox holiday, during which people remember the descent of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. Since that day, many rituals, conspiracies , and prohibitions have been connected, so it's important to know why you can not sew, clean, cut and do different work for the Trinity. This holiday always falls on a Sunday, and still it is considered the birthday of the church. It is best to hold the Trinity in the temple, as well as arrange a holiday and rest.

What can not be done in the Trinity and why?

In the period of many church holidays it is customary to adhere to a diet, but here on the Trinity, there are no restrictions in food and it is possible to put any food on the festive table. Many church festivals eventually overgrew certain traditions, which are considered to be church customs. That's why many people are looking for answers in the church canons concerning why you can not get out, get a haircut and do different work in the Trinity, but in fact, such prohibitions have pagan and folk roots. In the church there are no specific rules of the house, which are forbidden to do anything during Orthodox holidays. The most important thing is to be in the temple on that day and pray to God.

From ancient times to the present day it has become superstitious that on this day it is forbidden to engage in any kind of work, that is, both physical and mental. You can explain this by the fact that a person on this day should celebrate the holiday and not be distracted by any business. Many people say that non-observance of prohibitions is a sin, for which a person will certainly be held responsible. The actual topic is why you can not get a haircut on the Trinity, and so this prohibition also has a pagan nature and is more related to the fact that hair removal uses sharp scissors that resist sacred energy. There are also signs that you can not wash, do cleaning, do garden work, etc.

Another important topic - why not wash in the Trinity. The church does not give any prohibitions on this matter, so if there is a serious need for taking a shower or a bath, then you can afford it. Among the people there is a superstition that you can not swim in open water in the Trinity, as this day mermaids can be dragged under the water and a person can simply drown. This is a very real explanation, because on this day the weather can be hot, but the water is usually not heated enough. As a result, a person who got into the water may experience seizures - the most common cause of death on the water.

It will be interesting to know not only why it is impossible to work for the Trinity, but what can and should be done on this day. This holy holiday must be dedicated to your soul and thoughts. Be sure to go to church , listen to the sacred songs, defend the service and put a candle near the icon. Many believers say that such actions help to understand themselves, find the right solutions in difficult situations and begin to enjoy life. Be sure to take the grass scattered on the floor in the temple and bring it home. It is also recommended to decorate your house with twigs of linden, maple, birch, and also use wild flowers.

Do not forget that the Trinity is an ideal time for conducting various rituals and reading conspiracies that help change lives. There are many different rituals, for example, you can improve your financial situation, attract good luck, find love, move up the career ladder, etc. There are also divination by the Trinity, which will open the curtain of secrecy and look into the future. Such rituals only work if the person has an open and pure heart, and he believes in the Higher Forces.