Signs before the defense of the diploma

Perhaps, with full confidence, students can be called one of the most superstitious people. After all, they call the freebie with a sincere belief in what she will necessarily hear and come, make a lot of all sorts of small rituals, believe in the power of amulets and other things. This is not surprising, because often there is little time to prepare for an important exam or just do not have enough self-confidence . And belief in good signs is always effective, because it adds confidence and, accordingly, increases the chances of a good result. Especially popular are, of course, signs before the diploma, as before the most important event in the life of any student. What are the signs before the defense of the diploma, which can be fully adopted for students of all time?

Signs for the defense of a diploma

  1. The last words . Before the defense, as well as before the exams, a good tool is to ask friends to scold you with the last words. The main thing to remember is that you can not use curses that point to not particularly high intelligence. On the contrary, let it be some original and unusual curses that will improve the mood and inspire feats.
  2. Cats . Of course, the list will take on the diploma simply can not do without cats - the most popular heroes of different characters. So, in the morning before the defense, all cats on their way must be avoided. And this concerns not only black, but absolutely all representatives of the genus cat.
  3. The nose . Kisses in the nose from comrades in misfortune before the defense are also very effective tool. Besides, it's just cute and nice, so why not?
  4. Right or left? Someone says that the day before the defense you need to get out of bed with your right foot and go to the audience with her. Someone says that all these manipulations must be done with the left foot. Probably, in this case everyone will have to decide independently which leg is the happier one.
  5. Image . You can not wash your head immediately before protection, or cut your nails or hair. Also, do not wear new clothes, it's better that something was already at least some time in operation. And in general, the image should be modest, without any screaming shades. You can only add some detail of purple: they say it brings good luck.

In general, students of each higher educational institution necessarily have their own list of acceptors before passing a diploma, which everyone invariably follows.